This image is not mine, it’s from u/Andireas_Germany on Reddit
This is apparently from an ad-supported tier being trialled in EU and not them sneaking ads into an ad free tier. Read comments below for more context.
This thread was reported for being misleading but I’m going to leave it up for the context.
There is a lower price tier of Youtube premium being tested in Europe right now that has ads, but still gives offline viewing and youtube music. This is what that is for. People who are seeing ads know exactly why they are seeing ads; because they signed up for a plan with ads. The regular plan at the regular price is still ad free.
I think you’re mistaken about what this lower price tier offers. It is still ad-free, except for Youtube Music which is ad-supported. If a regular YouTube video uses a song that belongs to the YouTube Music catalog, it will have ads as normal. Also, this tier doesn’t offer background playback (with the phone screen turned off).
has more info and explains, ads are expected.
It’s stupid to pay and still get ads, but that is how it’s presented.
You are correct, maybe? I say maybe because I see now the original info that I was reading was speculation from last month, however, new information is sparse and every site seems to contradict the others. Honestly, now I don’t know what they are doing with it. Regardless, it is a separate tier of a plan, so those that are seeing ads signed up for a plan that includes ads in some form or another. It’s not like Google just started sneaking ads into the full premium tier without warning, which what this post and the others like it that I’ve seen are rage baiting for.
So it seems they are only expecting ads in YouTube music, so I understand when they are then confused to see ads in their YouTube videos
It possibly highlights a problem that I’ve always had with youtube music. Anyone can label their video as “music” and it will show up in youtube music. The biggest offender are rip off artists that name themselves after existing bands and then upload “new” tracks designed to get people to give their fake band the views that the real band is getting. Then, presumably, they take their ad revenue and peace out. It bothers me, because I’ll look up an artist and there will be some crazy ass Middle Eastern band putting out new “Black Sabbath” songs, polluting the artist page with bullshit. It’s even worse when one of the tracks shows up in a radio station. Google really needs to separate music and video.
The literal opposite of what people¹ want then. Give me back the €5 no ads, no yt music and no off app viewing and I will consider enabling the app and remove the YouTube adblockers in my browser.
¹ People as in me. I am at least one people.
If the cheap options suck, people might end up buying the more expensive one. At least that’s what Google hopes you will do.
Didnt noticed it with smarttube or ;)
I love SmartTube but the vast majority of the time I find content doesnt work anymore and just says “Applying the fix…” For 10 mins.
The only reason that I (and I suspect many many other people) pay for it is because of the value proposition of not having ads on Youtube + Youtube Music for slightly more than Spotify. They better be careful about their subscriptions because their service is also available for free. If I feel like im being ripped off, instead of them getting 12$ a month they will get 0$ and I will still get to use the service. It’s different from Netflix in that in their case there is no free tier to go back to.
Free tier for YouTube = no ads with unblock origin. Free tier for Netflix = just pirate the movies and shows. There’s probably a way to block ads in Spotify too idk
Oh hell no, not after they started raising prices in other countries. I don’t want to pirate again.
All you have to do is install Ublock…
I’m amazed it still works that well to be honest. Have it on Firefox on my phone as well 👌🏼
I have grandfathered in YouTube premium from like 10 years ago because of a business cell phone promotion deal. I have not seen a single ad yet.