I don’t think the victim here is a leftist. Trucker hat, rolled up sleeves; he’s a working class conservative who’s getting hammered by Trumps policies. He is still blaming Biden against all evidence.
I don’t think the victim here is a leftist. Trucker hat, rolled up sleeves; he’s a working class conservative who’s getting hammered by Trumps policies. He is still blaming Biden against all evidence.
I have noticed in my daily life and work a drastic and rapid reduction in visible support markers from the minority of radicalized Trump supporters in my area since the election. I have often wondered if this is the result of shame or actual regret.
Doesn’t really matter in the end. They’re just as likely to find a new target to blame for his failures. These people don’t do introspection very well.
Fucking grotesque. Hey why not make a lampshade of human skin next time. Sick fucks.
Greenland’s opinion doesn’t matter to him, never did.
“Hey guys! We won! We control basically all three branches of government! We can do anything we want!”
“Neat! What should we do first?”
“Oh, I know what! Let’s revisit a settled issue and try to rewrite history though performative acts of phony investigation!”
“…uh, ok. But what’s the point? We got everything we wanted. We can do anyth…”
The guy who shoved his way through a group at a summit to make sure he was in front for a photo-op.
The guy who bragged about walking in on a women’s dressing room.
The guy who gassed protesters so he could pose awkwardly with a Bible in front of a church.
That guy? Huh.
Y’all can keep your negativity circle jerk. I’ll worry about the things in my life I can actually control instead of constantly wasting my time and energy bitching on the Internet about a guy that I will never be able to influence on any way whatsoever.
Is that why you keep responding with vitriol, repeatedly, to people on the internet whose minds you cannot change?
I hope they had enough flowers to cover up the festering, rotting corpse smell.
Who am I kidding, there’s no way to cover Trump’s odor
“But you just did! …wait!”
If only they’d caught him selling loose cigarettes
I don’t think they’ve ever given a fuck about praise from progressives. This is just a reset back their default position facilitated by the election of a fascist pos. Protections have always been lip service at best. They’ll soak up the praise as long as it’s profitable to do so and not a moment longer.
Because the only thing that matters to them is controlling women’s bodies. If they acknowledge this at all, ever, it’ll be used to promote religious abstinence so they can get back to owning women as property as their god intended
I don’t need to spend $9.99 to disappoint myself, I can do that for free
Came here for this, thank you 🖤
🙋 Coffee?