Why are so many things on Ebay even more expensive then what the item would be brand new from the store?
I was searching for a Motorola MA1 Wireless Android Auto
which is $80 brand new in a store, but on Ebay they are anywhere from $100 to $200. Even if it is pre-owned. It seems impossible that anyone is ever going to buy this so what is the purpose of these listings?
Exciting as in maybe maybe it’ll die on me next week or maybe it’ll die on me next year right!
That was just too much excitement for me when I owned a cougar so I got a honda. I loved replacing a fuel pump two to four times a year though.
If it was a 1999-2002 Cougar, they actually did fix the issue with the fuel pump. Obviously any mechanical part can still wear out, or course, but the frequent failures of the variable speed pump that was in the returnless Cougars were addressed, and few problems with them have been reported since.
It was a long time ago, I was a teen and I could barely afford the cost of towing the car let alone being stranded about an hour away from home. I’m glad they figured it out but you know what they say, buy once cry once.
I’ll only buy cars proven reliable and long lasting because I’d rather keep my car’s for a very long time and spend less on maintenance.
I, uh, still have my '99 Cougar. :) Bought it new. I don’t drive it on a daily basis, though, and haven’t for a long time. But it runs well!
I’m not judging, hondas and Toyotas just have good reputations for longevity and ease of maintenance. I picked an integra with a manual transmission over a mustang but I get the appeal. I liked my cougar Xr despite the issues. I actually took a few pictures before I traded it in.![2002 cougar Xr](https://i.ibb.co/KmsdZ2j/20190117-134329.jpg)
Oh I know, we had an Accord that went 7 years before it needed anything other that regular maintenance (and even then it was just that airbag recall). It was great!
For all of its faults, though, the Cougar is a lot of fun to drive.