• TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
      2 years ago

      So you are implying all men support the oppression of women, and feminism is this absolutely pristine, perfect, flawless movement where any woman or feminist cannot do no wrong against man? Do you know how many women have went against the general narrative and stopped being feminists in the past few years, due to seeing the bigotry issues against men and their rights?

      My comparison of today’s feminism to fascist tactics is not weak. Western feminism has transformed from a movement advocating equity for women, into a female gender superiority movement, completely uttering nonsense like “we need no men”, “all men bad”, “men’s rights are incel shit” and what not. The movement has completely gone berserk and astray, and a discussion about this is not just fully warranted, but actions needed to correct the movement that was once aimed at restoring a balance for both women and men in society.

      Slavery, unlike the issue of woman empowerment and men’s rights, has zero ambiguity. The slaves are oppressed, and the ones enslaving them exploit and benefit from slavery. Feminism is not anti-slavery, contrary to your false equivalence. Men’s rights are just as important as woman empowerment, and feminism today is onto entirely something else, using right wing tactics to portray men’s rights activists as a patriarchal tribal monkey group, that is supposed to be one with the redpillers, incels and Tateists. It is NOT.