Joe Biden and Mitch McConnell struck up a friendship during their nearly quarter-century in the Senate together. Now in their 80s, the Democratic president and the Senate GOP leader appear to be giving political cover to each other as they fend off questions about their advanced age and health issues.

Notably, McConnell, R-Ky., 81, hasn’t joined Donald Trump, 77, and other Republicans who have attacked Biden’s age, health and mental acuity as he seeks re-election.

And after McConnell’s second freeze-up last week, Biden was one of the first to call McConnell, telling reporters that his “friend” sounded like “his old self” and that such episodes are a “part of his recovery” from a fall and a concussion this year.

    2 years ago

    Fundamentally disagree. You are just opening the system to cheaper bribery. Senators like Bernie Sanders would be thrown out even when he has one of the highest approval ratings by his constituents. Term limits do nothing for congress but make said congress people look for their next opportunity after the gig (which is already a problem). Its on voters to make sure candidates like Mitch McConnell or Dianne Feinstein get replaced. The call for term limits is just change for change without any thought on its possible effects. You may ask why do I have this double standard for congress but not the president? The simple answer is there are 100 senators and 435 House Representatives, most people barely fucking know who their senators/reps are but you are just making for a revolving door to disincentivize even caring about them now since eh they are going to disappear in a couple years anyway, the power difference between being the sole power of a branch of government vs being merely a member with either 1/100 or 1/435 the power of the body changes things since congress is far more a collective than any of the other branches.