Hi! I’m looking to publish a blog that can be discovered through interactions on the fediverse, and potentially displays replies as comments. I had set up WriteFreely and, though it is missing the replies feature, it seemed pretty well-made. However, when I tried to publish my post, pressing “Move to [blog name]” made it disappear. It’s still in the stats page but clicking on it shows “This page is missing.” It seems really buggy, hasn’t had a release in almost a year, and my post would be lost if I hadn’t made a backup. Are there any other good options for publishing a blog?

  • Izzy@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    Everyone seems to be micro blogging there own stuff. There are probably people reading various things, but nobody cares enough to respond. I think Twitter fed on drama which got people upset enough to respond. I think Mastodon is still sorting itself out. People will catch on eventually to how it all works.

    • Bebo@sffa.community
      1 year ago

      Yes, it’s like people are interested in getting their word out rather than reading other people’s stuff. Still I like that I have a chronological feed which I tweak slightly by muting users whose content I don’t care for and the best thing is that I can browse by hashtags. Without this I wouldn’t have got interested in Mastodon in the first place.