Whenever I open certain websites (Google, My banking sites etc…) it decides to load a basic version of the site (Similar to the ones I used to see in Opera Mini on a Java Keypad phone). Maybe it is the website’s fault, because I’m pretty sure Firefox is capable of displaying the full website, but as an end user, those pages are broken for me. Hence using Brave.
What are the biggest showstoppers?
Also curious as someone who has been using it daily for years what they think a streamlined browser experience is
Whenever I open certain websites (Google, My banking sites etc…) it decides to load a basic version of the site (Similar to the ones I used to see in Opera Mini on a Java Keypad phone). Maybe it is the website’s fault, because I’m pretty sure Firefox is capable of displaying the full website, but as an end user, those pages are broken for me. Hence using Brave.
You could try to change the browser ID string that is sent with every request.