The United States pays interest on approximately $850 billion in debt held by the People’s Republic of China. China, however, is currently in default on its sovereign debt held by American bondholders.
The Heritage Foundation is an iffy source of information on China.
They have a real hate-boner for anything communist.
Given that the source of this opinion piece is The Heritage Foundation I’m skeptical.
Who are they?
They are a very influential, very conservative American think tank. They advocate for things like anti-communism, neoconservativism, the Christian right, smaller government, bigger military, traditional family values, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, white supremecist ideas, voting restrictions - generally all the most destructive policies of the last 50 years.
What is wrong with traditional family values and anti communism?
Because “family values” in US discourse is usually code for homophobia and sexism, while “anti-communism” is usually just racism, classism and xenophobia.
Yeah saying “usually” and assuming a US discourse while not explaining what is wrong with a traditional family value and anti communism is not what I expected. Should have know that people only think in USA while in their “America bad” mind state. My bad.
Thing is, ironically, the only people whom have treated me and my people with racism, classism and xenophobia are leftists, be from Europe or north America. Weird.
What is your ethnicity if I may ask? Because the anti communism bit does vary per society somewhat, but “traditional family values” are usually a far more constant in discouraging a wide variety of perfectly fine things.
I don’t know what ethnicity I am, but leftists love to call me and my people brown gusano even tho we are not from Cuba
I’ll be honest, I dont think thats what anti-communism is.
These concepts are perverted into justification for actions that are either entirely irrelevant or only related to these values through a very, very specific lens.
An example is family values being used as a cudgel against acceptance of LGBTQ individuals/communities for quite some time now. Or how “communism” quickly became a synonym for “not explicitly conservative”.
The title is mainly clickbait. The bonds they’re talking about were sold in 1938 by the US backed Republic of China, which at the time was fighting a civil war with the Peoples Republic of China (Maoists). The RoC lost, and retreated to Taiwan. The PRoC then assumed control of the country, and decided that it wasn’t interested in paying the debts of the government it had just vanquished.
However, under international law, when the PRoC took over China, they also assumed responsibility for paying those bond holders. Nobody has gotten them to pay up except the UK when the transfer of Hong Kong was up for consideration.
So basically, this is a 70 year old debt that was taken out against China’s former government, and the current government really has no urgency to address it.
As @mazelado pointed out, this is an opinion piece by the Heritage Foundation, so the motivations in writing it are suspect, especially as it’s specifically pushing the Biden administration to fight this very old fight. You would have thought that if had really been a pressing matter, Trump would have handled it when he started the US / China tradewar right before COVID, as it was clear Don didn’t have any qualms pushing potentially destructive diplomatic policies that were unpopular to the Chinese.
The Republic of China still exists, we just know it as Taiwan. Key bit to be leaving out here, especially considering our history with the two and their weird relationship with each other.
What a dumb article. Britain was broke in the 80s and needed the money and pressed the issue. China was weak at the time and wanted Hong Kong back peacefully. Under those circumstances it made since to pay the debt. Today China has the second largest economy in the world and zero incentive to pay back America, and no one expects them too.
There is no such magic thing as calling in a debt. If China is in default and no one cares, the debt practically does not exist. Americans complaining about it won’t affect China’s interest rates or anything else.
No if you have Biden there… Helping them out all the way