among who?? likely trump voters??
what kind of moron didnt vote for fascist before, but has decided by golly now is the time.
A lot of people. Apparently you live under a cement laden rock.
no, i was primarily watching the polls not move in these camps for several years now.
anyone still on the fence at this point is eating the white glue at craft time.
Unfortunately the genuinely dumb people make up a greater proportion of the population than one would hope. And it doesn’t mean dumb about all facets of life, just clueless about news and politics.
So says conservative Murdoch rag Wall Street Journal.
MSNBC polls from last month showed the same results
I don’t have to approve of Biden to vote for him.
"on a hypothetical ballot with only those two candidates. " the article states, with zero source or set information.
Pure propaganda.
deleted by creator
We were already fucked by having enough dipshits to get him elected in the first place. Even if he lost by 5% that would still be too close. But it’s nothing new, it’s been building for years with the Republicans, Fox, morons on social media, vile radio hosts, local politicians, and all the various scumbags they’ve had in Congress.
And if he hadn’t always been so crimin’ he would be able to take advantage of that. Unfortunately for him, its time to pay the piper and face the music the way the rest of us would have had to of decades prior
Why do these polls never include RFK, Jr.? I don’t want the asshole to win, but he’s polling the very low double digits right now, isn’t he?
You’ll excuse me if I wait for more reputable sources once the general election has started.
ITT: centrists dismissing polls because the alternative involves appealing to the left.
Exactly this