It’s a cycle

    2 years ago

    I can’t remember when I traded pirating music for my zune/iTouch for Spotify, but I know back in 2008 we were still using MP3 players. We were still in relatively early years with MP3 players, too. In 2010 I was still using my jailbroke iTouch 3, so we were still in the MP3 era until at least 2010. People also joked back then about vinyl snobs who made “audiophile” part of their personality. Records were cool and record shops were able to stay in business. Cassette sales were down on the other hand, because we were still getting over the trauma of them getting jammed and the excitement of having high quality digital music.

    OP must be very young and just looked up what year things came out, not what year things were used. Weren’t DVDs invented in the 80s?