Here’s the entry in the fstab file for mounting my hard drive. I have bolded the name of the hard drive (that’s what it shows up as on the dock when it isn’t mounted):
UUID=D4C0A66EC0A65710 /media/lucky/New Volume ntfs rw,auto,users,exec,nls=utf8,umask=003,gid=46,uid=1000 0 0
After making that entry in fstab, I execute the, systemctl daemon-reload, command, and then mount -a, afterwards which gives me this error.
Issue is with the space in “New Volume”, I bet. Should likely be /media/lucky/New\ Volume
Or, I vaguely remember having to add like \040 or something in place of the space. I’ve dealt with this in the past… And found it easier to use a “-” instead of a space… Or no space at all, obviously.
instead of single or double quotes resolved my issue.Now Debian automounts the hdd.