Why do people still think this is simply a boomer problem? After the recent election even the US is waking up to the fact that Gen Z (and younger) generations are much more conservative than Millennials.
This is not a generational issue, the problem is not age. The problem is conservatism.
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It’s not a boomer problem. It’s an education problem. Weaponized stupidity is a big problem in a pluralistic society.
Lol using boomer humor to hang the boomer
I think it might be time to stop blaming the boomers. We own this mess now.
mandkind knew they could not change society, so instead of reflecting on themselves, they blamed the boomers
Who is it?
Greta Thunberg, swedish environmental activist and a favorite hate watch of conservatives.
Idk how people can get so riled up over “let’s not fuck up the dirt we live on”.
She’s a young woman with strong opinions. That’s enough to make conservatives pop a blood vessel.
Conservatives are really anti conservation for some strange reason.
Boomers are all bigoted, sexist, climate change denying pieces of shit?
… kinda a shitty take there mate. Lots of them are terrible, but so aye lots of people from other generations too, and tarring them all with the same brush is only going to alienate the good ones and make them quite reasonably dislike you.
The term boomer refers to a mentality, not to the generation anymore.
By the current use of the term, yes, they all are, as this use refers to people who refuse change out of irrational belief that old times were better, glorify a violent and fascist past, and deny the existence of modern science because they refuse to adapt their obsolete lifestyle.
“Boomer” seems to hardly refer to anything anymore tbh.
It seems to mostly just mean “an imaginary person who I don’t like” or “someone older than me”. Or both.
40+? Boomer. Racist? Boomer. Etc.
But they’ll also still say it’s a generation. At least in my experience. It’s really lazy.