Repost of a meme I made a few years ago for Reddit that I have since deleted. Hope it still has value.
I feel personally attacked.
Maybe we can dualboot in the closet 👉 👈
I like GNU Image Manipulation Programm stamp in corner. I upvote.
In the middle of all the gimp naming controversy, if there’s a name I would stick to with ease, it would be something involving the green pepper.
Gimp as been around for 26 years. You probably should’ve complained in 1998
Was probably not aware of it b
Though, as a non-native speaker of English I was first introduced to the word through Edubuntu.
So, GIMP = GNU Image Manipulation Program for me before I learnt any other meaning
CabbagePepper on top leftUhm thats a pepper and why is that a GIMP thing?
For whatever reason, GIMP includes this image of a green pepper as a built-in brush.
Well at least I’m better than her other other boyfriend so I’ve got a chance!
Yeah, I was gonna say, holding Chrome OS above Windows because its Linux based is bizarre. That’s getting more true about Android, too. For all its faults, I can still say I’m the admin of my Windows OS (for now), and not Google.
Admittedly this is where the meme kind of breaks down.
Kudos on spelling boyfriend wrong twice but then the third time you nailed it!
I forgot about that, oops.
Just say it was to drive engagement. Then you seem smart.
What’s the box thing?
Too busy to answer