“You are receiving this email because this is an important message regarding your account and products you are using. You are not allowed to unsubscribe from this type of message.”

Edit: To all the concern trolls who think the contents of the email is important context as to whether I’m allowed to be annoyed or not, understand that I am not Atlassian’s customer. We have zero active licenses for any Atlassian products.

  • SpaceBishop@lemmy.zip
    3 months ago

    Yo, that’s still a violation of CANSPAM, and you might as well report them while we still have an FTC/FCC. After the new admin takes office… well… but theres still a month left before then.

    If their communication contains anything transactional it’s a violation. Notifying unsubscribed users of a TOS change? Legal. That communication mentions anything about products or promotions? No longer legal.