You know, DOGE, fascist president and corporations dictating what people can do, institutions being ruined, laws being ignored. Is there any way out of that or is it over? Is the USA done?

    23 days ago

    a private company innovated aerospace technology despite the US government’s reluctance to invest in aerospace technology.

    Huh? The US government paying SpaceX made it possible to succeed in the first place. That’s literally the US investing in aerospace tech.

    US dod officials have been very clearly saying for Over a decade that the US might already be behind China in key areas of defense

    China is catching up, but still behind in defense and aerospace technology. The one area they are ahead is industrial capacity to build, especially ships. China builds a huge number of civilian and military ships.

    despite spending 4 to 10 times as much on their defense budget

    Wages, manufacturing, etc. are all far more expensive in the US. It’s also much easier and cheaper to copy someone else’s design than to discover and build for the first time.

    they cannot even compete with a free operating system

    Microsoft has good support for Linux nowadays with Windows services for Linux and Azure Linux for example. On the desktop Microsoft Windows is still leading in market share and Microsoft Office is dominating as well.

    Where are the biggest Linux companies located?

    Apple? they haven’t been innovative in 15 years, depend on slave labor

    Apple’s AR/VR is innovative, if not particularly successful in the market. Their M-series chips are among the best chip available. Very fast with low power use.

    Apple makes their products in same factories (Foxconn etc) as other companies. So the labor conditions aren’t unique to Apple at all.

    it’s not leading in manufacturing, it’s not leading in most sciences, and it has one of the most awful education systems in the world, not to mention the living affordability crisis going on.

    I mostly agree. The quality of the US education system is similar to the health care system. The US has some of the best education and health care in the world. However, it’s neither cheap nor affordable for the majority of the population.

    you can’t do science without funding and support, and dumps has taken that funding away, and importantly does not believe in science or the benefits of research and development.

    I agree mostly. Regarding funding under Trump, we will see. Elon Musk certainly know about R&D costs and benefits and is influential.

    meanwhile, other countries are investing record amounts and setting technological records in innovative technologies like solar that the US has no hope of catching up to in the near future.

    Yes, other countries are catching up steadily overall and are ahead in some areas, especially China.

      23 days ago

      “China is catching up, but still behind in defense and aerospace technology”

      this is a fiction, according to US defense officials, but if we pretended it was true, it doesn’t change the original point, that the US is falling behind in most technological fields.

      you’ll notice that I didn’t mention aerospace in my original top of the dome list.

      it looks like you’re agreeing with all my other points though, so I don’t have much else to say except that the important American fiction to dispel is this:

      “other countries are catching up steadily overall and are ahead in some areas, especially China.”

      10 years ago? you could argue that other countries were playing catch up in most technological fields.


      The US is behind in nearly every technological field and especially now is uninterested in catching up to the rest of the world.

      The US population cannot afford to live and is critically undereducated, and are about to have four more years of withheld R&D funding and catastrophic isolationist policy.

      That’s the reality on the ground now.

      any “we’re not doing so bad” mentality simply is not correct anymore, and it’s important to recognize the reason behind and the rate at which the US is failing to advance in critical fields.

      You’re not going to be able to swerve back onto the road by pretending the guardrails you’re grinding against aren’t there.