Fucking thank you. Fuck podcast bro Newsom.
I hope the Democrats don’t fuck her over
Adam Shiff or whatever the fuck his name is will never be forgiven in this household
Newsom has shown he’s willing to join MAGA if it gives him a shot at being president.
Cool, but imma need a non-LATimes source because . . . y’know.
Looks like the CA Govinator race is going to be interesting this year.
(I do realize that Arnold doesn’t have the job anymore, but the title of Govinator is too good to not continue using)
Fun fact in the CK3 after the end mod it’s the name for a specific kingdom level title.
Did they finish the CK3 port or did habit take over?
I very much loved Manifest Destinying my way through the cowboy and Minnesota Viking ™ hordes as the Batman Dynasty to restore the religion of Americanism to its rightful place but not enough to go back to CK2 rules.
It’s in an acceptable state, but the issues of CK3 are still very notable. The only mods I know of that are actively worth playing CK3 for are Godherja, the World of Darkness one, and Elder Kings 2.
Really CK3 just needs an overhaul to conquest and it’s laws/inheritance systems IMO also nerf troop numbers they’re absurd.
Yes, please!
Good for Katie Porter.
Better than most democrats in the State.
Yes please! I would love her to be my Governor!
I really used to love this woman, but her views on Israel and Gaza changed her in my eyes.