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The original was posted on /r/mildlyinteresting by /u/miyog on 2025-03-14 16:02:13+00:00.
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The original was posted on /r/mildlyinteresting by /u/miyog on 2025-03-14 16:02:13+00:00.
Also I never understood “take it slow”. What’s slow? 90 days? A year? 2 years? A decade?
Then there’s the “you should be single for a bit”. Okay I’ve been single for 5 months, but then “no I’ve been single for two years”. You mean I’m not supposed to have intimacy for some arbitrary amount of time? I’m supposed to ignore any advance by anyone no matter how great they may be? I’ve missed so many good eggs that way.
I’ve always been of the understanding that people who do the whole “no sex until “x” event or time span” thing seem to consider sex to be a transactional performance, as opposed to raw form of human connection. They expect commitment to come before that connection, and use their withholding as a form of manipulation. To which my reply was always “Next”
It also sets weird and potentially false expectations around sex as an event, which puts undue pressure on both parties, rather than something that simply happens as a natural course of a relationship evolving.