I’m a nursing Mum, USA, and my work (transportation) is not protected by the pump act. https://www.usbreastfeeding.org/the-pump-act-explained.html I was told via email from HR that they “do not make accommodations for crewmembers.” Legally they don’t have to, so I applied for disability. It was denied with some accommodations for my return to work that needed clarification, but I didn’t expect much more. I then started my return to work process, including a medical return to work form for my provider to complete. The provider used the exact same, cut and paste, language as the original request for disability form. My return to work has been denied because they cannot accommodate me. Local unions advice: break the rules. So, yes, lawyer up, of course. However, that will take months or years (like the Frontier case https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/settlement-reached-frontier-airlines-pregnancy-and-lactation-discrimination-lawsuit ) and I am running low on my savings.
So, despite ten years with my company, I will now lose my $50~/hr pay, schedule seniority, union Healthcare, tribal knowledge, skills etc and go to another company. All because I wanted twenty minutes every four hours to pump for my baby - some coworkers take longer shits.
Regular pumping avoids mastitis and maintains flow. Breastfed babies have less health problems in early years. Nursing mothers have lower instances of certain cancers. Formula is a great invention, but costs money, and just isn’t a good fit for my family. https://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpao/features/breastfeeding-benefits/index.html
I agree. I’m annoyed because I have an over inflated sense of fairness. I’ve spoken to others at work and they just break the rules and to hell with it. That’s still an option for me, so don’t feel too bad for me. However I’m absolutely looking for other jobs instead, and to try to hold them accountable.
Just…remember that corporations, especially ones that talk about engagement and call you family, do not care about you. I hate the reality check when it’s unavoidable like this.