for some background, I’m on latest stable Kubuntu. able to use Microsoft Office via a KVM+Winapps setup currently. it mostly works but there are a few kinks like the display frame getting fucked up when going full screen or windowed, drag and drop being hit or miss and whatnot…

i did read up on Office 2019 being installable using Wine, but wasn’t able to find any methods to activate it. MAS isn’t really a thing on wine since we don’t have Powershell I believe. any ideas?

  • _comfortablyAverage_@lemmy.mlOP
    1 year ago

    Libreoffice is the most atrociously structured piece of software I ever encountered. not only is the UI absolutely dated and god awful trash, it can fuck up microsoft office formatted documents. i possess a special hate for it since it decided to crap out on me when I REALLY positively needed it.

    don’t know about collabora, will look into it