Edit: here is some context because people are getting mad

the reason i asked because my friend asked me to install linux on his laptop because he wanted to look like a cringey hacker so i installed it but after i installed linux few days after he reinstalled windows(i am not sure why but he said he can’t run bluestack, i suggested other VMs but he wouldn’t have any other way but that’s not reason i think he switched he was being dismissive) and now his mic and web cam is not working and some other stuff, so he’s asking me again to reinstall linux constantly and i don’t want to do that again (why? My school is far from my home around 9km/5.5 and i go there by my bicycle so after school I don’t wanna waste my time installing linux)so i was just ranting didn’t expect to make people mad

  • HousePanther@lemmy.goblackcat.com
    2 years ago

    This frustrates the shit out of me but I have a feeling it has everything to do with mindshare. Windows just has the majority of the mindshare and a lot of decisions about information technology are not necessarily made by technically savvy people. Even technically savvy people make poor choices. I had a director once tell me that he prefers proprietary software to open source because it gives him somebody to sue if the software fails. Obviously he is neither a lawyer nor much of a reader because the terms of use and conditions basically indemnify the software company.

    Linux and BSD are superior in almost every way. You could literally run an entire organization on Linux Mint as the desktop. Even before Linux Mint was a thing, I had a contract job supporting a rollout of CentOS to the desktop at a small publishing company and this was back in 2005. This company did absolutely everything systems related on CentOS. If this company could do it 18 years ago on CentOS, I can only imagine it is going to be even easier today.