I’ll believe it when I see it
I’ll believe it when I see it
Not sure why anyone would use it. I certainly wouldn’t.
WhatsApp is owned by Meta right?
They fell for nothing. This is by design.
Very Christian of him
I just dumped them all on the floor to sort through. Even had the Rubbermaid tub
Or they have been doing it quietly all along
They wanted to hang you dude
Fines are for the poor. They do nothing for the rich.
But that was the point they were making. Usually if you hear something this outright idiotic you would probably be correct in saying there will be an R by their name. This is coming from someone who leans left and owns guns and grew up around them and learned to respect them. They are a tool.
Which brand are they?
The owner of what’s app is enough to keep me off it.
Arresting the important people that need to be arrested I see. /s
This explains so much about my cholesterol
Someone some where is having trouble getting in touch with their uncle
Makes me not want to use it
This is why I’ll never get invested in Google again. I’m working on trying to move everything I can out.
Edit: Spelling
Go directly to jail
Yeah all those fine really hurt one of the richest men in the world.
Bought a MacBook Air in 2012 lasted me until last year and I got a new one. The old one got Linux put in it and given to one of the kids still runs great.
I don’t really think I can say that about any other laptops I have used over the years for work.