It’s funny, because when I was searching for the information, I found your post… so I guess I could have saved myself a lot of trouble and just asked you here… 😅
It’s funny, because when I was searching for the information, I found your post… so I guess I could have saved myself a lot of trouble and just asked you here… 😅
Oh fuck I didn’t even notice your nick… you’re u/Zak on reddit??
Also, nah, his prosecution had nothing to do with reddit, this was my mandatory “fuck the abusive intellectual property and its consequence on the life of the common people” plug. Sorry 'bout that.
I’ll have to admit that I’m pretty unknowledgeable about the reddit history.
I was even unaware that spez left the company, all I know was that it is based on an original idea from Aaron Swartz[1], and that it’s a damn shame he was “made an example of” by the American establishment, only for daring opposing to their “values” of “knowledge is only for the powerful”.
If only they had left him alone, or had enforced a punishment on par with his “fault”, he would still be alive, and we would have likely have seen a ton of extremely cool innovations from him.
I checked the information after writing this, and it turns out, at least according to Wikipedia, to be false: reddit was in fact founded by spez and Alexis Ohanian, in 2005, and Swartz joined via a merger, in 2006. However, this goes against what Swartz himself said in an interview:
“I was with the Reddit team back when we were coming up with the idea, in the months before the first Y Combinator Summer Founders Program started. We eventually began working together full time around that November [2005]”. ↩︎
When you design and run a platform, it is your responsibility.
If you design the platform to allow anyone to “create a morally objectionable community and then associate it with anyone else”, you are responsible for this oversight.
It’s not like spez took that responsibility and reacted accordingly. He didn’t care, didn’t change anything, and the simple fact that he could have fixed it in a matter of hours but chose not to is complicit enough to admit wilful association.
So, in my book, for all intent and purposes, him not doing anything with that mod access is irrelevant. What is relevant is him not doing anything about that mod access.
Hold on, is that a grant or a donation? (The difference is that a donation is definitive, while there are conditions, such as failing to fulfil an obligation, under which a grant has to be repaid)
Yeah, of course it would have not ever been a mainstream thing for end users. But Google definitely nipped them in the bud, both by providing a (bogus) drive behind the XMPP development (and so, preventing anyone else from doing so), and also by kickstarting them into relative widespread use instead of letting them grow organically.
If they had, there is a possibility XMPP would have become a service provided by nerds for their friends and family as soon as 2010, like email, or more recently, nextcloud.
And it would have been a valid option for corporate solutions. But no, instead, we got slack. Thanks, Google.
So it returned back to a state where it would have been without Google anyway.
The state before Google was “up and coming solution for federated chat”
The state after Google was “impractical solution that does not federate¹ properly, and is hard to set up²”.
Those are not the same.
1: because of Google.
2: because of Google.
N.B.: The delays in the timeline were copied over verbatim. Historical conditions have to be taken into account, as the popular adoption of internet began in the late 2000s. So it is likely for the “extinguish” phase of Mastodon to happen much faster. I give it 5 years tops. And by 2030, we will all remember it as we now remember XMPP.
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Because in spite of the question (“private host” as opposed to “privacy friendly host”), people have commented in the context of privacy (probably because of the community we’re on); and in that context, the mere mention of github or gitlab is met with downvotes.
IMHO using github or gitlab for that isn’t much of a concern privacy wise (at least not more than browsing a website from the companies behind those services), but it surely is when it comes to data integrity (which is a totally separate concern, but people often confuse it with privacy, like they also do with security). I would not trust either service with that.
Just to add to the QEMU/KVM comment: you can also run an android emulator. The install process is a bit annoying (and contains too many “trust me bro” downloads from Google servers), but it is simple enough and you should be done in around 2h, modulo your uplink.
And at that point, using scrcpy actually helps with the keyboard input.