green colored ketchup
You’re welcome.
Mo-Fr 07:00-16:00 Sa, So geschlossen
green colored ketchup
You’re welcome.
The 90s ended 23 years ago. And to not just live through but also “care” about MsS doings in the 90s someone needs to be even older.
Its really not that far fetched that a lot of younger people may see MS in a more positive way than you do apparently.
Spoofing the agent only makes it look like Firefox is being used less, and websites will care even less about it.
Seriously who downvotes a bot.
Nobody’s getting hurt by a small grammar correction. People may even learn from it and be better off.
Only because they produce them the cheapest and in the largest quantities (which goes hand in hand).
Basically any country can produce solar panels and wind turbines. Both technology and resource wise.
The most secure and privacy respecting chat app doesn’t develop and run itself.
CISO and developers in that field earn into the millions, and Signal is competing with the top dogs here (MANGA). There pay is ridiculously modest.
Yeah, and about that historical comparison… WhatsApp sold out for $21bn. Signals top earners collectively would have to work for 4200 years to get there.
Those guys deserve every cent of their paycheck, because probably any of them could easily earn multiple of that at another company… given their skills and knowledge in the field.
The biggest miracle is them not selling out.
Oh, I had no idea. :/
Just wait until YT makes high res video options premium only. :)
Edit: I adblock, because fuck ads. But I also use yt less than ever before. I used to use it for entertainment, but nowadays I only use it when I specifically search for something.
I really tried to pack this into a witty joke comment, but… that’s Christy Mack. I don’t think she’s been into space yet tho.
Unfortunately, if anyone, I do.
We do that for some of the more complex business logic. We wrote libraries, which are used by our tests, and we wrote tests which test the library functions to ensure they provide correct results.
What always worries me is that WE came up with that. It wasn’t some higher up, or business unit, or anything. Only because we cared to do our job correctly. If we didn’t - nobody would. Nobody is watching the testers (in my experience).
I didn’t need a study for that. I mean we vaccinated ones are still pretty much alive, despite all the warnings of the dum-dums.
Well, at some point people will remember that it’s possible to share things via USB stick or a drive.
Fair, maybe that’s how it was meant. But “dicking around” makes me think otherwise.
If your mental capacity is reached by checking your surroundings while all the traffic is going roughly the same speed as you, then no way youre capable of handling “no speed limit” where everyone is driving to their liking.
It’s not just you who’d be suddenly free to do whatever they want, but everyone else too.
Claiming “I know better what’s best for me” is the best sign of someone who absolutely doesn’t.
Go where exactly?
Most likely the mic is simply powered by the voltage which also powers the headphones.
But there’s also mics which don’t need voltage to work at all (unlikely for headsets tho).