Yeah, that’s what I do as well. Seems much nicer than hurting their community by just randomly downvoting everything I don’t want to see.
I advocate for logical and consistent viewpoints on controversial topics. If you’re looking at my profile, I’ve probably made you mad by doing so.
Yeah, that’s what I do as well. Seems much nicer than hurting their community by just randomly downvoting everything I don’t want to see.
No, sometimes it is about blocking.
If you run a small community like several of us do, even a small amount of downvotes can completely shut down a discussion from ever being seen by anyone else. It’s a way petty assholes have of trying to kill conversation in small communities because they don’t like something about what you said or how you said it.
If someone neither wants to contribute nor lurk, and merely drag down a community, they shouldn’t be allowed to continue to be a part of it at all.
I’d also like to know as I’m in the same boat you are. I’m just leaving this comment to remember to look later and see if you got an answer.
But you can come serve in Canada and help us if you like!
Err… Not to throw a wrench into things but, yeah. They kinda sorta did.
So I know this isn’t going to be popular, but… I lived in Saudi Arabia at 14. White people were targeted for kidnapping and rape continually, and no, not only women. Men too.
I myself was very close to having both happen multiple times and escaped by pure panic and luck. My father and I were nearly killed by police with assault rifles because they wanted a bribe from my Dad. We were forced to drive into the desert at gunpoint to a “second location.”
This was not unusual for the expats.
I also went to school in Cincinnati and had the shit beaten out of me multiple times because I was white.
Racists no matter who they are racist to are fucking gross and I’m sorry you had to go through what you did. Please don’t think your experience applies worldwide though. Being white, gay, black, brown, trans, or damn near anything in some places is fucking dangerous.
Why? Having correlary traits in common with someone doing something dumb isn’t embarrassing.
Andrew Tate doesn’t make me embarrassed to be a man, he’s just embarrassing himself (and anyone who chooses those views are doing the same). We are individuals.
This is a really well-put description. Having pride in the color of your skin is fucking stupid and applies to everyone.
Pride is for achievements.
Skin color is not something anyone achieved (and no, paying for aesthetics is not an achievement either).
It’s social media. People really like to hit the “fuck you” button and not discuss anything.
You have to put yourself in their position though. If they commented anything and didn’t just casually dismiss, that would mean they’d have to think. Thinking is hard. Don’t do that to them.
Edit: They also really hate having the above pointed out, but never argue with it.
As a Windows user who manually updates weekly and reads changelogs for what actually changes, neither do I.
But then again I don’t leave 400,000 items open on my desktop for no reason whatsoever and get mad when I have to close them.
The I.T. firm I run does this except we donate them to nonprofits.
My favorite Star Trek game of all time was the video board game with the Klingon host. I had everything from the Nightmare games so this was the next logical step and we loved it to even though it was cheesy as all get out.
Ah! A few ways to do things:
If you have questions, ask away!
Because the post is shit maybe?
But manually looping any part of it inside the video which you can do past the first 2 minutes would still not be an ad. Also, who doesn’t use an ad blocker on YouTube? All of those problems that you listed have incredibly easy solutions that you can execute with zero training.
And realistically if they are looking for profit (and they absolutely are) I still see no reason why they would keep these up. The benefits are absolutely minimal at best and the drawbacks are quite large.
Sometimes they are, if it’s just audio and a static image. Some of them definitely are not that though. The ones with visualizers or full music videos or the like are not nearly as compressible.
So to combat use cases like this, why not just add a repeat option? There would be no break if it cached the beginning again.
Also just download the audio you want and loop it yourself. It would take roughly 2 minutes and use way less bandwidth.
I wonder why they would kill old videos instead of just removing those 10-hour plus loops of the same song over and over again that nobody watches. You’d think those giant loop videos would be taking up far more space.
Near Kingston! Maybe I just wasn’t paying attention?
I’ve gone to my community and to specific posts, but can’t work out how to show downvotes. Can you shed a little light on how to see them please?