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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2024

  • In the Racist mind the criticism of how their judgement standards and choices of supporting or not a person or State are different depending on the target person’s race, always ends up interpreted as “an attack on a Race” because Racists cannot even begin to conceive the idea that “All humans and their actions should be judged independently of their Race”.

    When a Racist voices criticism of an instance of double-standards depending on Race being used, they are motivated by a desire to attack the Race which benefits from such double standards, so in their minds that must be the reason why other would attack such Race-related double standards and in their Racist minds it’s inconceivable that the criticism could be against any such double standards no matter who benefits and against the entire mental architecture of seeing and judging people as Race-members rather than as human beings,

    In the minds of Racists everything everybody says or does about other people is determined by Race, so criticism of Racism itself is invariably seen as an “attack on a Race” in the mind of the Racist.

    (Aside from this poster’s response to my post, other examples of what I mean can easily be found in how Trump supporters respond to criticism of their Racist actions - their responses often follow exactly the same pattern as the poster above)

    Obviously thanks to their circular logic that “any criticism of Race-based double standards can only be explained as Racism against the Race which benefits from it”, Racists feel no shame about their own Racism, since it justifies itself as a reaction to what they interpret (following said circular logic) as the Racism of critics.

    I weep for Germany and all the Germans who are Humanists rather than Racists: it must be hard living surrounded by so many people whose views on their fellow human beings fit the very same architecture of thinking of people as “first and foremost members of Races”, as the Nazi ideology.

  • Kinda makes me think when I, as an immigrant over there, was a member of the Green Party in Britain before the Leave Referendum: great forward thinking people who were genuinelly good persons who wanted a better world for everybody, all the while the rest of British Society turned out to be mainly composed of dumb racists.

    Still today I use the lessons I learned in British politics, since IMHO they were maybe a decade ahead of the rest of Europe in the shift to the Far Right (their version is just posher).

  • I think that the reaction of most mainstream German politicians to the Israeli-Genocide has made it painfully obvious that they’re deeply Racist, since they justified unwavering support for a regime commiting a Genocide along ethnic lines - were amongst, other things they murdered tens of thousands of children because of their ethnicity - by saying that they “unwaveringly” support the ethnicity that said genocidal regime claims to represent: it doesn’t get much more Racist than justifying sending weapons to guys mass murdering children along ethnic lines because the ethnicity of the murderers is one specific ethnicity rather than a different ethnicity.

    Not only is the moral distance from “We support Genocidal mass murderers because of their race” to supporting the quasi-Nazi AfD miniscule compared to what it would be if the starting point had instead been “No kind of oppression can be justified by the race of the oppressors”, but even the AfD ideology itself of “The German people should be able to do whatever they want to other ethnicities and nationalities” is morally not that distant from the “This specific race should be able to do whatever they want to other ethnicities and nationalities”.

    In summary, the actions that the SPD and CDU/CSU (and even the Greens, for their eternal shame) have been unwaveringly supporting “for the Jewish People” are even more violent than those the AfD have been supporting “for the German people”.

    Clearly the German Political class never strayed far from the way of thinking that underpinned NAZISM (they mostly moved a specific ethnicity from the “untermenschen” to the “ubermenschen” column) and hence the distance to get back to the “old” “principles” was always much shorter than their performative anti-Nazism led most people to believe.

  • I’m not making an argument against it, just clarifying were it sits as technology.

    As I see it, it’s like electric cars - a technology that was overtaken by something else in the early days when that domain was starting even though it was the first to come out (the first cars were electric and the ICE engine was invented later) and which has now a chance to be successful again because many other things have changed in the meanwhile and we’re a lot closes to the limits of the tech that did got widely adopted back in the early days.

    It actually makes a lot of sense to improve the speed of what programming can do by getting it to be capable of also work outside the step-by-step instruction execution straight-jacked which is the CPU/GPU clock.

  • FPGAs have been a thing for ages.

    If I remember it correctly (I learned this stuff 3 decades ago) they were basically an improvement on logic circuits without clocks (think stuff like NAND and XOR gates - digital signals just go in and the result comes out on the other side with no delay beyond that caused by analog elements such as parasitical inductances and capacitances, so without waiting for a clock transition).

    The thing is, back then clocking of digital circuits really took off (because it’s WAY simpler to have things done one stage at a time with a clock synchronizing when results are read from one stage and sent to the next stage, since different gates have different delays and so making sure results are only read after the slowest path is done is complicated) so all CPU and GPU architecture nowadays are based on having a clock, with clock transitions dictating things like when is each step of processing a CPU/GPU instruction started.

    Circuits without clocks have the capability of being way faster than circuits with clocks if you can manage the problem of different digital elements having different delays in producing results I think what we’re seeing here is a revival of using circuits without clocks (or at least with blocks of logic done between clock transitions which are much longer and more complex than the processing of a single GPU instruction).

  • Acting techniques improved massively during the XXth century, so stuff that relies on that (basically anything but slapstick Comedy and mindless Action) will feel less believable, which impacts mostly things from the 60s and earlier.

    Then there are the Production values: the scenarios in early XXth century films were basically Theatre stages whilst more recent stuff can be incredibly realistic (pay attention to the details in things like clothing and the objects and furniture in indoor scenes in period movies) and Sci-Fi benefited massive from the early XXIst century techniques for physically correct 3D rendering and Mocap techniques so there is a disjunction in perceived realism between even the early Star Wars Movies and something like The Mandalorian.

  • Method Acting (which is a pretty powerful Acting technique for getting actors to genuinely feel the emotions of the character) dates back to the 60s in Movies (it dates back even longer to Stanislavski in 19th century Russia, but its popularity really took off mid 20th century) so before that actors were just faking it whilst after that it will be more and more them reacting genuinely to imaginary circumstances (in terms of the audience it means we will actually empathise with what’s hapenning to the character because the emotions on display are genuine).

    So the quality of the acting in the kind of Films that are now coming into the Public Domain will be lower than what we are use to (though in stuff like Comedy and certain kinds of Action it’s seldom noticeable).

    And this is before we even go into the quality of the Production (in audience terms, how believable are the scenarios).

    I doubt Hollywood will be threatened by this for at leat a couple of decades.

  • Not cheaper in general, just cheaper compared to equal or more energy efficient solutions.

    Red LEDs are cheaper but less energy efficient, whilst more energy efficient solutions like e-Ink are much more expensive and suffer from the problem that they need external lighting to read because e-Ink dots are passive, not emissive.

    Mind you, it’s possible to come up with solutions with Red LEDs where their slightly higher consumption is no big deal (for example, a button that need to be pressed to activate the charge-left display, so the LEDs are OFF most of the time rather than ON all the time, so ultimatelly use almost no energy because they’re usually off) but they tend to add cost (“no button” is cheaper than having a button) and increase the likelihood of failure or manufacturing defects (adding any kind of mechanical moving part to something which otherwise has no mecanical moving parts adds another, more risky class of failure modes).

    In summary, using blue LEDs tends to be the Engineering-optimal solution for these devices, though not the usability-optimal one.