2 months agoCredit was the one with AAA, AA and B which is already “trash”
Credit was the one with AAA, AA and B which is already “trash”
Isn’t the A terminology from credit rating? Or does that have the same origin?
I don’t get why you say well not entirety, then proceed to say something that has nothing to do with the bar being set anywhere.
Games come out good or bad, but if it’s a triple A it is expected to have a quality soundtrack, good voice acting etc, like a movie. Indies is forgiveable if they got simple stuff replacing those.
Thank you for the rabbit hole
%20 is encoded space if I remember right, so even then they were already incorrect
It’s a timezones vs actual sun time thing. In Spain near me they are like 2 hours away from their actual sun time so you can even add that to the lag you said. I’m sure it’s the other way around somewhere in the world, specially in medium and big countries