I also have one just like that. It’s very similar to holding a toothbrush, so it’s easy to use- especially if one has motor problems or other ailment/sensitivity in hands/fingers.
I also have one just like that. It’s very similar to holding a toothbrush, so it’s easy to use- especially if one has motor problems or other ailment/sensitivity in hands/fingers.
There’s floss with kind of a fishing line in one end of every ready-cut piece of strand. Oral B Super Floss is available where I live. You can use the rigid line to guide the floss under the retainer.
In case you (nor the dentist) haven’t tried, there’s also flat floss that’s like a strip of paper. Oral B Satin Floss is one that is available where I live. Hope it might be of help!
There are tools for this! Little brackets with floss already in place (in several shapes, the floss straight, sideways, or in angle, long or short handle) or bigger ones where you can manually wind the floss around.
This made my eyes water