This might only be me, but when I’m constipated, my go to is hydration and lettuce.
I’ll get myself a nice big salad, and eat it super fast. The idea is that if you eat it fast, you won’t chew as much. The partially unchewed lettuce can help irritate your guts into doing a bit of a clean cycle. (Plus, veggies are already great for constipation.)
Best of luck, and wishing a healthy one for you soon haha.
IIRC the protests in Canada were also super controversial, especially for the people who lived there at the time.
I will not get into that here, though.
If you aren’t keeping your life savings in cash and you wouldn’t trust digital currency, how would you propose your idea?
Even stuff like bitcoin would be susceptible to your concerns about government overeach. Investing could also easily be a crapshoot, because your entire life saving would still be reliant on someone who doesn’t know or care you.
What do you suggest?