There also is the sentiment of killing refugees at the borders or let them drown. That seems to be getting more and more popular in Europe
There also is the sentiment of killing refugees at the borders or let them drown. That seems to be getting more and more popular in Europe
I do consume English media and for example aljazeera. But looking at German media you see that they omitted most of the cruel things Israel did in the last decades. It’s all Hamas is so bad (it is) and Israel is going to retaliate now.
Yeah that is just naive. Israel has no interest in destroying palestine
What was that again about killing all those animals. And blockading of water, food and energy ?
Before the wars about food occur there will be wars about water. There are already assume pretty heated situations. Ethiopias grand Renaissance dam and it’s conflict with Egypt. All countries connected to Euphrat and Tigris have a big war potential too.
How did he even get caught? The disposal plan was rather sound
But the article said that while people live longer their healthy years don’t increase that much. And that is going to be a problem