He’s just thankful that Jeffrey was the man who introduced his brother Kimbal and his girlfriend. So Elon’s sister in law is from the old Epstein stable. Keep it in the family.
He’s just thankful that Jeffrey was the man who introduced his brother Kimbal and his girlfriend. So Elon’s sister in law is from the old Epstein stable. Keep it in the family.
I don’t think that Russia would be giving up Crimea in any case, regardless of who’s in the Whitehouse. The Donbas is a different question, they probably would’ve been prepared to give them back in whole or in part in negotiations, but I don’t think Crimea would’ve ever been up for negotiations.
Make a negative post about the US and watch the same people complaining in this thread suddenly become super-“patriotic” and defend the way things are in the US at all cost. You need to redefine what it means to be patriotic IMO. As long as patriotism in the US is understood as reflexively defending what the American government has done at all times, there’s nothing anyone outside of the US can do to help.
Patriotism should be looking after the interests of your fellow citizens, and that should routinely mean being opposed to the government, not rallying around it as soon as it’s criticized by an “outsider”. It’s bizarre watching so many people from oppressed minorities being gung-ho flag wavers while the government is planning to put them in internment camps.
Funny how .world mods enforced ‘no calling for killing of innocent people’ when everyone was cheering on CEOs getting dropped. But when ‘edgy’ pieces of shit like this ghoul say “innocent lives? Whatever, the benefits outweigh the costs regardless”, it just stands. I guess the explanation that the servers are in Holland where it’s illegal to say innocent people should be killed, just means illegal when innocent=CEO.
Spain didn’t exactly just become a democracy after Franco’s death in '75, things were very iffy well into the eighties, or at least until they joined NATO in '82. The military even attempted a coup in '81.
How’s the actions of the top US billionaire who just practically bought the American government the fault of Putin? Nah man, the US has to shoulder the responsibility for unleashing this fucking plague on the rest of the world.
Putin has done a lot of evil shit, but this one is all US all the way. In Russia, the state is the ultimate power, as evidenced by Putin’s ultimatum to the oligarchs to bend the knee when he took power. Similar to China, where Jack Ma disappeared for a while after making critical comments on Chinese state policy, and every billionaire got the message. It’s the US that has inverted this relationship so that the state bends the knee to insane billionaires like this one and let’s them run amok. So Elon can hardly be blamed on Putin.
Well, he did use one of his kids as a human shield repeatedly when appearing in public after Luigi crossed one of their guys off the board. That’s kind of a connection?
You do know that you still have a Democrat president in the Whitehouse right now, right? You remember Genocide Joe? He’s still president, and I sure am not impressed by what the Democrats are doing to limit Israel’s expansionism. Israel being free to engage in expansionism is with, repeat after me, the Democrats still in power.
Highly recommend watching the documentary “Benda Bilili!” about a group of street musicians in Kinshasa, DRC. They’re mostly paralyzed due to childhood polio, but it’s a very uplifting doc. They even sang a lovely song on their debut album about it called Polio.
Nah, I don’t hate you, you’re not significant enough to me to hate. And whether you want to believe it or not, I do feel sorry that human beings are forced to endure hardships that are imposed on them, like a terminal illness for example.
I just find you to be a bit sad and pathetic, completely unrelated to your self declared illness, which I was unaware of until today and which in any case is irrelevant to the conversation at hand. And you just keep finding new ways of validating that assessment.
I’m done with this conversation, I think I made myself about as clear as I am able to do.
Hey, if you truly are terminally ill in some way, I’m very sorry for that. But also, it’s shameful to retreat and hide behind “I’m gonna die in four years, so you’re a bad person for calling me out on my bullshit” after you’ve been chastising people everywhere. Being terminally ill doesn’t give people a cart blanche to act in any way they want and not get called out for it. If the discourse on Lemmy is too much, you could also stop being a mod, stop acting holier than thou, or stop using Lemmy altogether and enjoy your time offline. Here, you’re not a terminally ill person, you’re flying squid the mod. If you can’t take the heat, you should consider getting out of the kitchen instead of crying foul when you get called out.
Isn’t it odd how people in random threads repeatedly seem to not like you, because of your moderating? To a degree that your name pops up anytime someone wants an example of a shitty mod? If everyone you meet is an asshole, perhaps you’re the asshole? But no, it’s not you that’s out of touch, it’s the children who are wrong.
Who says you’re not allowed to? Regular users don’t have the ability to ban you. But you have the ability to ban users, an ability you abuse regularly with what looks like a pitiable “I am the king of .world” god complex. It’s sad that you seem to lack the bandwidth to understand how you as a mod are different to regular users. But it explains a lot.
And no one is forcing you to reply. We will post wherever we want, and bitch about whatever we want, anywhere we want. You seem to feel like you actually are .world, so go ahead and ban everyone who doesn’t bow down to arbitrary garbage. No wonder no one ever has anything positive to say about you squid, it sucks to suck. Be better.
There is no reason to believe that this woman is not herself a Muslim.
What is Muslim to you? This is a prime example for how western people see Islam as a race, and therefore people from Iran are automatically classified as muslim.
There’s a very good reason to believe that this woman is not a muslim, and that’s the whole purpose of the article: she’s harassing Muslim women for the sole reason that they wear a piece of clothing showing that they’re Muslim. That you are unable to recognize this as what it clearly is, anti Muslim bigotry, is revealing your own bias against Muslims.
Iran is a multi-ethnic society. What ethnicity is the ethno-state you imagine centered on? Persians? You know that General Soleimani wasn’t a Persian? Or that Iran’s supreme leader is an Azeri Turk? Or that the merchant class of Iran is not centered on Persians? How is this an ethno-state? Zionists sure like projection it seems…
Why would you write nonsense like this when you obviously know nothing at all about Iran or regional dynamics? Iraq is a close ally of Iran, so no, they’re not “not far away from the top” of Iran’s regional opponents. Also, those who don’t like the general’s ‘clan’? WTF are you babbling about? Iran is not a clan-based society the way you seem to believe it is. I’m Iranian and the ‘clan’ of Soleimani is not a subject I’ve heard discussed ever. You seem to think the garbage spread by the Bushie’s in the 2000’s about the region is how things actually work. It’s a pathetically uninformed attempt at sounding smart. Read a book maybe?
There are three candidates for these attacks. Odds all clearly point towards the Israelis as the top suspects. However, it could also have been carried out by the MEK, or the Islamic State Khorasan. But even if it did, the likelihood is high that Mossad played a coordinating role in the operation. There’s zero chance Soleimani’s ‘clan’, whatever the fuck that refers to, was a factor in this terrorist attack.
I think it’s pretty clear that they just wanted to 'scream and shout at the people’s like the researcher in the article says. A herd of angry elephants looking to do actual damage would have easily crushed that car if they wanted to. This was just a warning, as the calf turned out to be fine.
“Axis of evil” was a phrase coined by W in order to justify his highly illegal “war on terror”, and we’re still paying the price for that. Just adopting a propaganda concept this stupid as a viable way to categorize nations is not a good move.