I wonder when london will get its
I wonder when london will get its
Is it the 50 year old teacher/coach/priest touching 15 year old boys, or is it the 15 year old boy inside the 50 year old just exploring his sexuality?
Sure, hard to get through a couple pints without some geezer offering me some 2 for 1 murdering.
I firmly believe there is a massive difference between confessing/divulging info about your co-conspirators, and accusing your abuser to authority. One is snitching, the other is how the concept justice is supposed to work.
In that case, I will simplify. Your opinion/position/belief is incorrect.
“Snitching” is the act of telling an authority figure information that gets them into trouble. Telling an authority figure the name of a bully falls firmly under this category, as does telling mom your older brother smashed your toy, telling the cops you saw Jim Bob break into Joe Johnson’s car while driving by, and admitting to the DA that you and Bob shot the sheriff to avoid getting additional charges related to someone else’s murder of the deputy.
Merriam Webster: To inform, tattle; to give information (as to the authorities) about another’s improper or unlawful activities
Cambridge: to secretly tell someone in authority that someone else has done something bad, often in order to cause trouble
Oxford LD: to tell a parent, teacher, etc. about something wrong that another child has done
I don’t think the framing is iffy at all. There is no distinction in the phrase limiting it to only conspirators. Snitching is snitching.
You are latching onto the bullying aspect and adding emotional context to a simple comic with a straightforward pun.
What people care about is not always what they vote for, and what people say they care about is another thing entirely.
I’ll leave you with this: I want to be proved wrong and champagne is on me if I am. I just don’t believe in Americans enough to believe that we as a whole are going to effect real change.
I’m going to stop trying, though.
There are a whole lot of assumptions in this comment. I don’t want a less progressive candidate than AOC. I want a more progressive candidate, but I want one who is going to win. A woman, POC, New Yorker isn’t it, as much as I wish it was.
I also don’t agree that society is more progressive since Obama’s presidency. More tolerant of certain things, sure. But more likely to vote for progressive economic policies? I don’t think so.
As the boomers and older Gen X start to die off, things will slide left. But AOC 2028? Give me a break.
I didn’t say AOC wasn’t the best person for the job, only that she won’t win. If I had a better answer, I would gladly offer it up. That said, I’ll keep voting as progressive as i can.
This was practically a different country in 2004/2008 and let’s not pretend Obama and AOC are close on the political spectrum.
I wish people would stop saying this. She would lose. I like her, but that doesn’t change the fact that she is not going to be president.
This letter isn’t actually directed to Mark, it’s an ad.