Interested people are interesting.
Interested people are interesting.
My grandma got me into birding when I was a young child. My friends always text me pictures of birds like it’s a quiz. Maybe this means they’ll start to catch up.
The irony of this sign being photographed on a cellphone while driving takes this to the next level.
The older I get the more I’ve started to structure my ideal of being comfortable as meaning “my time is more valuable than my money.” Whereas I used to change my own oil or absolutely refuse to pay a delivery fee on take out, now I recognize that it’s more important to me to save that time than that money. Especially when it comes to things I could do, but a professional could do in a matter of hours to my days/weeks of work (I’m looking at you drywall finishing).
If you see my kayak and fishing poles tell them I miss them and I hope I get to spend more time with them when my son is a few years older.