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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • Staying silent on the unlawful detention and suppression of the first amendment rights of a legal permanent resident would be unforgivable. If this specific case doesn’t cause outrage and epitomize the lawlessness and cruelty of this administration, then nothing will.

    There is no political upside to staying silent on this issue. This is not the time to spread unsourced rumors about a facially law-abiding permanent resident, it’s the time to insist our government follow the laws that the rest of us are subject to. Follow due process, and if there are genuine issues with his case, deal with them within the bounds of the law. But keeping quiet and just assuming this administration will follow the law is foolish. We all need to loudly stand up for this man and his rights, otherwise no one will stand up for us when the time comes.

  • I think the main difference is that it’s incredibly expensive to get a cultivated meat facility going at any kind of meaningful scale. It takes a long time to grow the first batch, but then you basically just need to keep it “alive” in huge vats where it can propagate, under very precise and specific conditions. But it’s much much more expensive than maintaining a herd of live animals, at least to start.

    If they get the all the ratios right, I doubt there’d be much of a difference in taste. But you’re right that opposition is mostly from meat lobbyists and anti-science bullshit.

  • I’ve been paying close attention. I think it’s important to focus on the individual cases as they happen, acknowledge who is harmed, and not just move on to the next thing. Trump wants us frenzied and confused so we can’t focus on anything, let alone what’s coming next.

    As for what I do about it, I call my representatives about each individual issue separately, so their logs show constituent interest on a variety of issues. I attend protests and engage with my local government, I volunteer, organize, and donate, and I financially support independent media outlets. Thanks for asking.

  • While this is clearly Orwellian and incompatible with a free society, I’ve never quite understood how this kind of thing is implemented. Lemmy is the only ‘social media’ I use, and I don’t use it under my real name. They wouldn’t find anything on any social media platform for me, no matter how hard they looked, because it doesn’t exist. So, would they believe me that I don’t use social media? Law enforcement don’t typically just believe what people say, so I’m genuinely curious how they would go about ‘inspecting’ someone’s social media presence.

  • Yeah, I hate the interfaces, but especially the super-loud non-mutable beeps which seem to be common on every model I’ve seen. My two-burner induction setup has analog knobs for temp control, which is awesome, but it stills beep when you turn them, with every single temperature increase. Drives me crazy.

    I’ll never go back to gas though. My new apartment came with a gorgeous brand new gas range, and it absolutely sucks compared to my $50 countertop induction.

  • I think you are underestimating the power of empathy. I mean this constructively, not as an attack. In my opinion, it’s the single most important emotion for leading a fulfilling life, maintaining healthy relationships, and contributing to and living in a healthy society. The cool thing about empathy is that almost everyone can learn how to do it, even if it doesn’t come naturally. Think of it like a muscle you need to exercise. If you don’t use it regularly, your abilities can atrophy.

    You’ve already recognized that you’re not great at empathy, which shows that you are capable of self-awareness, which is huge! The next step is just to find a way to turn that awareness inside out and put yourself in other peoples’ shoes.

    The fact that you’re wrestling with the issues you bring up, shows me that you do care about these things. So I think it could be valuable to interrogate what specific things you do and don’t care about when it comes to all the things you mentioned. If you do that with empathy for others always in mind, I think most of your concerns will resolve themselves.

    Cultivating Empathy

  • That article was all over the place, largely underestimates the moment, and completely misunderstands the purpose of the laughably weak Republican pushback, but the last paragraph at least tries to clean it up.

    This is also not a call to stand down, to relax, to be less vigilant. It’s merely an observation: Public outcry has succeeded. It’s made it impossible for Trump to sustain his coup. If the people keep this up, they will succeed even more.

    I’d also moderate his language significantly. Public outcry has absolutely not succeeded, but it has helped give some ammunition to elected officials and confidence to civil servants, so it’s true that we will absolutely fail without sustained public outcry. But we are still light years away from succeeding.

  • No, there are some great independent outlets that are still doing exceptional journalism. Many of the new outlets were founded by reporters who came from mainstream or traditional media but were either laid off or quit because of the profit-above-all-else mindset. As citizens and news consumers this means we have to be pickier and more discerning when it comes to what we read, because we can’t trust that we’ll get everything we need from just a single newspaper anymore. But if you look around you’ll still find some very high quality journalism, it’s just a bit more diffuse than we’re used to.

  • To add some context, one nice thing about the independent model 404 Media has gone with is that they tell us exactly what their motivations are, in their own voices (it’s only four people). On their podcast they’ve been very open about what they want, and maximizing profit is not it. They’ve talked honestly about what it costs to operate, and they’ve said the infinite growth model is not what they want to emulate. They just want to keep doing good journalism, they are not in it to get rich. Since I believe and trust their journalism, I’ll choose to believe them on the business side too, and that’s up to everyone to decide.

    I think they’re in touch with their readership enough to know that they’d lose a ton of subscribers if they sold out or started making terrible profit-driven decisions.

    But who knows, I don’t know them personally so they could just be really really good liars.

  • These stealth edits are unacceptable. They are tantamount to the NYTimes shouting about their cowardice from the rooftops. Do they really think people won’t notice? Clearly they underestimate how satisfying it is to catch them in a lie, which is ironic for a newspaper whose reputation has been bolstered by exposing (some) lies.

    I thought correction notices were standard practice. It’s not like they can correct the hard copy, so fuck all their online readers I guess? Infuriating, but we shouldn’t expect anything better from them at this point in their downfall.