Kids these days. In 1776 when I was 7 years old, we MEME war on CB Radio, Breaker 19!
Digital bits, one zero
I’ll say one thing about Lemmy as a platform from May 2023 to September 2023. Hate in the HiveMind, hate for Reddit/Spez, Hate for Elon Musk, Hate for Threads and Facebook.
Beehaw is a shining light compared to the waves I experienced. Maybe it will settle down…?
Kids these days. In 1776 when I was 7 years old, we MEME war on CB Radio, Breaker 19!
We are in an Information War and I don’t see enough peer to peer friendships being made between The People of China and everyday people in USA, South America, Africa, North America, Europe, Australia, etc.
I don’t see China people on GitHub and YouTube like I did 5 years ago. Maybe the real war is power over technology and all of humanity isn’t winning. Isn’t that another way to interpret Climate Change, an education mistake on a global scale? Advertising and marketing defeating science teachers? The love for the singe-passenger automobile 9 to 5 commute job - exceeding the reality of global climate physics?
Like they say in The Orville - Dolly Parton was a hero! she basically turned out to be a great teacher, like Mr. Rogers on the true problems of childhood. 9 to 5 was kind of like showing children what your divorced single mother was having to go through. Not to say that fit the relationships in the film itself, but the office environment of white collar world. The technology of the Office Workplace and the era of typewriters as business machines. EDIT: It’s a real War: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6Do6VWUxyg
we aren’t far away from easily-made interactive images / video where people will be able to create realistic selfies / video clips of their own self - in famous situations. Like Forest Gump being inserted into meeting historic President. The appeal is too strong and it will likely create tons of highly upvoted/shared social media images distorting the original.
People tend to treat detecting photoshop images as a game of one-upmanship, not as an importance of preserving a documented concept or situation for others to learn and understand.
I think their creators have deliberately disconnected the runtime AI model from re-reading their own training material because it’s a copyright and licensing nightmare.
kbin is the closest application to Lemmy, and it does have tags. When you create a post you can pick tags and you can browse by tag: https://kbin.social/tag/kbin
I’m assuming this is done for integration with other ActivePub apps
We have way more complex queries
It isn’t the complexity that is the problem. It is the open-ended nature. It lacks any WHERE clause that specifies which posts to get. It just kicks off join after join without restricting what it is looking for. It relies on the “LIMIT 50” that Lemmy restricts post listings too. Which worked OK in March 2023 when Lemmy was over 4 years old and still had very tiny amounts of data in all these tables that it joins, but once even a modest amount of data got point in the open-ended nature of the WHERE clause kept making it slower and slower as more and more content.
serous problems with scalability, it works fine if there is little data in the system.
Just because it’s written in Rust doesn’t make your app safe, or performant.
Lemmy 0.18.4 listing posts, frequently via ORM Diesel:
SELECT "post"."id", "post"."name", "post"."url", "post"."body", "post"."creator_id", "post"."community_id", "post"."removed",
"post"."locked", "post"."published", "post"."updated", "post"."deleted", "post"."nsfw", "post"."embed_title", "post"."embed_description",
"post"."thumbnail_url", "post"."ap_id", "post"."local", "post"."embed_video_url", "post"."language_id", "post"."featured_community",
"person"."id", "person"."name", "person"."display_name", "person"."avatar", "person"."banned", "person"."published", "person"."updated",
"person"."actor_id", "person"."bio", "person"."local", "person"."private_key", "person"."public_key", "person"."last_refreshed_at",
"person"."banner", "person"."deleted", "person"."inbox_url", "person"."shared_inbox_url", "person"."matrix_user_id",
"person"."bot_account", "person"."ban_expires", "person"."instance_id",
"community"."id", "community"."name", "community"."title", "community"."description", "community"."removed", "community"."published",
"community"."updated", "community"."deleted", "community"."nsfw", "community"."actor_id", "community"."local", "community"."private_key",
"community"."public_key", "community"."last_refreshed_at", "community"."icon", "community"."banner", "community"."followers_url",
"community"."inbox_url", "community"."shared_inbox_url", "community"."hidden", "community"."posting_restricted_to_mods",
"community"."instance_id", "community"."moderators_url", "community"."featured_url",
("community_person_ban"."id" IS NOT NULL),
"post_aggregates"."id", "post_aggregates"."post_id", "post_aggregates"."comments", "post_aggregates"."score", "post_aggregates"."upvotes",
"post_aggregates"."downvotes", "post_aggregates"."published", "post_aggregates"."newest_comment_time_necro",
"post_aggregates"."newest_comment_time", "post_aggregates"."featured_community", "post_aggregates"."featured_local",
"post_aggregates"."hot_rank", "post_aggregates"."hot_rank_active", "post_aggregates"."community_id", "post_aggregates"."creator_id",
"post_aggregates"."controversy_rank", "community_follower"."pending",
("post_saved"."id" IS NOT NULL),
("post_read"."id" IS NOT NULL),
("person_block"."id" IS NOT NULL),
coalesce(("post_aggregates"."comments" - "person_post_aggregates"."read_comments"),
FROM ((((((((((((
INNER JOIN "person" ON ("post_aggregates"."creator_id" = "person"."id"))
INNER JOIN "community" ON ("post_aggregates"."community_id" = "community"."id"))
LEFT OUTER JOIN "community_person_ban" ON (("post_aggregates"."community_id" = "community_person_ban"."community_id") AND ("community_person_ban"."person_id" = "post_aggregates"."creator_id"))
INNER JOIN "post" ON ("post_aggregates"."post_id" = "post"."id")
LEFT OUTER JOIN "community_follower" ON (("post_aggregates"."community_id" = "community_follower"."community_id") AND ("community_follower"."person_id" = $1))
LEFT OUTER JOIN "community_moderator" ON (("post"."community_id" = "community_moderator"."community_id") AND ("community_moderator"."person_id" = $1))
LEFT OUTER JOIN "post_saved" ON (("post_aggregates"."post_id" = "post_saved"."post_id") AND ("post_saved"."person_id" = $1))
LEFT OUTER JOIN "post_read" ON (("post_aggregates"."post_id" = "post_read"."post_id") AND ("post_read"."person_id" = $1))
LEFT OUTER JOIN "person_block" ON (("post_aggregates"."creator_id" = "person_block"."target_id") AND ("person_block"."person_id" = $1))
LEFT OUTER JOIN "post_like" ON (("post_aggregates"."post_id" = "post_like"."post_id") AND ("post_like"."person_id" = $1))
LEFT OUTER JOIN "person_post_aggregates" ON (("post_aggregates"."post_id" = "person_post_aggregates"."post_id") AND ("person_post_aggregates"."person_id" = $1))
LEFT OUTER JOIN "community_block" ON (("post_aggregates"."community_id" = "community_block"."community_id") AND ("community_block"."person_id" = $1))
LEFT OUTER JOIN "local_user_language" ON (("post"."language_id" = "local_user_language"."language_id") AND ("local_user_language"."local_user_id" = $2))
("community"."removed" = $3) AND ("post"."removed" = $4))
AND ("community_follower"."pending" IS NOT NULL)
AND ("post"."nsfw" = $5)
AND ("community"."nsfw" = $6)
AND ("local_user_language"."language_id" IS NOT NULL)
AND ("community_block"."person_id" IS NULL)
AND ("person_block"."person_id" IS NULL)
ORDER BY "post_aggregates"."featured_local" DESC , "post_aggregates"."hot_rank_active" DESC , "post_aggregates"."published" DESC
That is with hand-optimized person_id = $1, which the Rust code does not do.
“Terms of service” checkmarks are their reality
What a non-story.
Lemmy project set wild unrealistic expectations on GItHub project: 1) "high performance’, maybe the Rust code but PostgreSQL logic is the ORM madness. 2) “full erase” while sending all your public comments and posts to ActivePub without agreement on concept of delete.
ok… that’s about as exciting of a cause as … plain oatmeal.
From what I have heard, it’s not supposed to be that expensive or even difficult to make. They should have sent actual samples of the material to a dozen different universities from a batch they share their own data measurements about. Save everyone a lot of time about doubts that it’s manufactured correctly.
The constant crashes of Lemmy from performance issues have really been hard on me, because I just don’t like seeing it happen to people. It’s honestly been the worst web site in terms of stability I’ve used in over a decade.
Lots of good comments here on this discussion.
I think this is bullshit.
I think it is exactly how people are behaving. And I can even recall witnessing many people first hand who flip a newspaper to the sports section. Never learning anything about science news, medical news, unless it’s some kind of social column about a diet.
People wanting to cut out and block things they don’t want to read in a newspaper is what I consider the “default behavior” of most of humanity. No surprise they do not care about the news their friends share. An intelligent computer system that filters out (based on topic/content study) what they don’t want to see before-hand is always going to be popular with such people.
“One of the effects of living with electric information is that we live habitually in a state of information overload. There’s always more than you can cope with.” — Marshall McLuhan.
I almost never see someone link to a Discord past conversation on fixing an issue/problem solving. It’s a one-way black hole.
I don’t think it’s the identical issue either, but a developer working on the code would probably try to fix them together.
This is a technology topic. People discuss when Facebook and Reddit and Twitter have major outages.
My contribution to Humanity and #MemeLife platforms - I come from BBS days in high school.