The site wouldn’t load for me, but I did manage to capture an archive:
The site wouldn’t load for me, but I did manage to capture an archive:
I found the juxtaposition of your comment to the one below yours to be pretty funny.
I support swappable batteries to avoid unnecessary e-waste or any other reason anyone has.
My arguing with you about the pros and cons of spare batteries vs chargers was misguided, because you’re entitled to have your opinions and I don’t see why I should care about your justifications for those opinions.
When my battery gets low, I’m often in the middle of something. Watching a video, playing a game, chatting with people. Things I don’t want to stop and have to try to resume a minute later when I could just plug in and not miss a beat.
Shutting down, swapping a battery, and restarting cannot be done in 15 seconds. I don’t really think you were being literal, but you’re making it seem like it would be entirely trivial. I don’t think it is.
Carrying a second battery is carrying another box around
I dunno. Having to shutdown your phone to swap a battery is a very big negative in my mind.
I think you got the nail on the head! Let’s call them spezes. Excellent idea!
I don’t mean the culture. Is that what you mean? I meant the software. The software itself is a clone of Reddit. It works nearly identically, except that it’s a federation of servers.
That why I said it’s a clone of reddit, and that why I replied how I did, because I thought it was silly that you would say otherwise.
As for the culture, I hope it never becomes reddit, but it seems like it’s too late. It seems I have to block some new shitposting community every day.
But I mostly spend my time in niche communities of nice people talking about Zelda or cats, and not about whether Lemmy is a reddit clone or not because that’s a really stupid conversation to have.
BTW, I think your reply was more rude than me saying “you kid yourself”, but whatever. I didn’t actually mean to hurt your feelings.
Orrrrr… maybe I just think it’s too many syllables.
Don’t kid yourself. Lemmy is 100% a Reddit clone. It was literally made as a replacement for Reddit.
It’s something to do with the strict blocking in Firefox, and the provider that’s handling the signups.
If you use Firefox, try in a different browser.
OMG! That’s what those crystals are!