Does it even matter if it’s real? If you assume it’s real and combine that with the fact that Russian leadership is completely cooked through and crazy irrational, how would you even ‘be careful’ when the other party is proven to be chaotic evil.
Does it even matter if it’s real? If you assume it’s real and combine that with the fact that Russian leadership is completely cooked through and crazy irrational, how would you even ‘be careful’ when the other party is proven to be chaotic evil.
Fantastic! I’m reducing my dependency on for profit entities every day, and federation is a great means to that end. Let’s welcome those moving over during the exodus! someone made a bit of a minidoc on this for people outside of the tetris scene, it brought me all the way up to speed and was well made!
Hope they can all see it on the sunny side, up there
Still waiting on that proof that hotdog earth is somehow fake news. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!
Wow, that’s so disgusting, 10 francs? Man, where though? Where did he get it for 10 francs though??
Whooops! You accidentally thought that companies have to follow the same rules as civies, silly you!
I mean, steam made it work with games, you telling me that 6-7 of these giant media companies can’t get it to work for video? The giving up part is that you have to embrace piracy (again?) to get to acceptable levels of service per dollar
dang, just checked for my country (data from 2019), look out for those priuses! I guess the handling the GTA 4 analog had was pretty accurate, it’s like a brick on the road ^^
While many accidents do involve fault, there are scenarios where an accident can occur without anyone being legally at fault (mechanical failure, natural disasters). It does excludes malicious intent though. in the specific context of commercial motor vehicle regulations in the US, the term “accident” is defined in the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) under 49 CFR § 390.5
“well, this possible violation of the 5th could have similar results as this other time when i liked the results so…??? should we???”
I was being sarcastic. We all have issues we care about, and one of the dumbest things you could do with that is screaming that someone is not giving it the right amount of attention. It’s dumb, because you can always kill conversation with it, so anyone using that conversation tactic only uses it for that purpose, or because they are dumb.
“Oh you like eating normal food!?!? Don’t you know some folk in poor countries have no food at all!?!?.” -Someone just like you, commenting on a How To video about cooking Chicken Handi.
I was making fun of you, because your comment was dumb.
Very cool! From 50% onward, the ball looks kinda weirdly animated… might be the gif compression, is there a link to the original vid?
Yeah, how can they discuss two (2!) subjects at the same time over there??? I don’t even have strong opinions one way or the other but had to call out your lazy whataboutism.
I wanna ditch the unFFOS and be in control of all of my os, not just where the big companies that make it want me to be in control. I pay quite a few fees to live commercial free, and now they are using my login splashscreen to offload Xbox game pass… Also, how about some banners about office365 in your start menu? I paid for this os, you bunch of potatopeels! I Tried Ubuntu back in the day, around 10 years ago and it was fine (except for gaming), but I hear everyone here is pretty stoked about Mint for starters, so I’ll start there.
Also recently bought Ableton Live because LMMS is not capable enough. You win some you lose some
plot twist, the jeep is electric and there is a spinner-bike in the back you can use to charge it with. Only four short days of pedaling will get you 100 miles!
The idea of a shocked cookie monster finding out how many cookies you deleted was hilarious to me, so I asked an AI to draw some variations of it, with varying succes :-)
It’s definitely real, however improbable, and I can empathize with your anxiety. It just feels to me that we do not have any real ‘options’, so pondering the looming doom is feels pointless and luckily I am able to refrain from it.