But many of those same western countries level out the population decay with immigration. To my knowledge South Korea, Japan, and China don’t have as much immigration.
But many of those same western countries level out the population decay with immigration. To my knowledge South Korea, Japan, and China don’t have as much immigration.
Or stuff hosted outside the US.
I don’t disagree but I also don’t think it will be something that can be done very quickly. While switching propulsion systems in cars can be fine till the time that they are not needed.
Ideally I’d like trains for local trips and high speed rail for longer distances. I’d prefer to not own or use a car at all but most cities would have to be torn down and rebuilt to achieve this.
I agree and really you can replace the copper with fiber by tying an end and pulling.
If they were to run some applications on the side it would validate the power usage. Like if it also was a Plex server it could be more reasonable to use more power.
Could also really hinge on the electricity cost for their region. At 10 cents a kwh and a delta of 100 watts we’d be talking 87 dollars a year assuming it’s always running at a delta of 100 watts.
I doubt there will be a 100 watt delta especially newer architectures that idle really well.
I don’t think Lemmy has more propaganda than other social media, it’s just not the usual propaganda.
Also says a lot that despite that they still make more. Having more global sales in effectively one country is more impressive if anything.
Oh you’re insisting you can’t come in because you are sick? I’m going to need a doctor’s note that will cost you a day’s wages.
Gotta love having a subscription for your car to give you a worse service than before because a man child bought a social media site.
I feel the same way but I think I’m just socially stunted and can’t ask for help so I learned to figure it out myself. I don’t have the knowledge, data, or authority to say they’re not troubleshooting differently than I do because they socialize better than me.
The larger shirts never give as much length as width so I always look for the tall ones.
If you’re developing an app that has you provide your own backend then I don’t think you’ll be getting many average users.
You could also hide it in advanced settings to weed out those unwilling to learn and offer users a fee to use your server.
Ultimately the only reason I can think of not wanting people to self host is because you want to make money off having people’s data.
How dare wanting to treat people fairly be cited when wanting to treat people fairly. Time to strawman that people just want boobies.
I would have to sit here wading through accusations and strawmans to try and get anything through to you. That’s why it’s a yikes because you don’t care to be more mature than a 15 year old about this and it show.
Yikes why even reply to people if you want to be this deliberately dishonest.
Idk how to tell you this but it seems you’re hot.
I disagree. At one point in time it was society saying black people couldn’t eat with white people and it was people and companies willing to push that boundary that changed this.
We are all members of society and it is on us to constantly push back against the unfair traditions in our community.
You should apply for the fantastic four with that much stretch. They’re fucking nipples and we literally stick them in the mouths of our infants. You know damn well that we’re not talking about the differences between men and women but the way society and twitch threats people differently.
Even men who present as women on twitch have seen this. Finnster has had bans for shit nobody would care about if he weren’t so feminine looking.
That doesn’t mean society isn’t sexist. There’s lots of bullshit society is sexist about like how men can’t be loving and affectionate parents.
Does it really matter? You shouldn’t have to follow a tracker or be up to date on if a subscription service will have what you want. I don’t understand why the content can’t exist on multiple platforms at once.