What kind of economist phooey is this
Liberal economics
They can only plan three months ahead and must maximize profits in the short term before all else. It makes it impossible to leverage a population influx to invest in long term industry and infrastructure development.
Are you capable of quantum superposition? Or can you perhaps only use one house at a time?
Use a guillotine, we aren’t savages.
Will they start using a functional language? Find out on tomorrow’s special report.
Have you considered masturbation as an alternative to posting shit memes? Much more enjoyable way to waste time.
My desk has a desktop with two monitors, a laptop, an iPad, and a phone. TBH the only reason I have so few devices laying around is because they’re expensive.
so few
So few?
Those goddamned primates always trying to steal people’s social security.
So the same but more run down because the Capitalist regime that replaced communism doesn’t maintain them?
Midlife crisis incoming
Nobody jerks off to waluigi more than Jesus.
That’s the episode where Picard reveals that he’s Spocks father right?
Hot dogs are bad enough normally… why would you make them worse!
Serious contender for laziest post title of all time.
Based and pilk pilled