• 5 Posts
Joined 2 jaar geleden
Cake day: 11 juni 2023

  • no it doesn’t. i tried to achieve this multiple times myself and it never worked. and the cases where journalists say it did, they needed to specific ask a lot of times and in a highly specific way till they got a short snippet. Chatgpt dont spits out the exact same phrases over and over again if you ask the same, but has a variable defining how “random” and “far away from the perfect next predicted text” the output is, and by default this makes sure that the answers are never the same. Otherwise it wouldn’t be chat like but more like a simple database spitting out always the same answers for the same question. But that’s not how chatgpt works.

  • also the apps often have a lot of bugs or issues in general. i would love to use lemmy more, but Liftoff can’t even sort my profile comments by new. i click on it… nothing happens. and if i just quickly switch to another app (clicking a link that opens the browser etc), and come back… everything is reset and i have to search the post i was again etc.

    because such things i don’t use lemmy as often i would like…another issue is that lemmy isn’t supported on older browsers and the devs just tell you to update or get another one… yeaahh nah thanks. not gonna switch or destroy my browser (newer browser versions are often shitty… just look at chrome who nags you all the time) just because of lemmy. so… i wait for this issues to be fixed to then be able to use it more. before this happens, the user experience is just too frustrating.

  • i’m around 12 years on reddit, and votes & how good a post or comments gets welcomed by the communitys on reddit feels kinda random to me.

    you can post like you said the same thing at random times, and it will be either welcomed or punished to hell. i had times where i tried to find out if time & timezones have something to do with, but even when trying to post on specific times this didn’t changed much.

    after all this years, i decided for myself posting on reddit is like a dice. you roll and either win or fail.

    edit: sorry for the horrible english by the way. my motherlanguage isn’t english so i often have still issues with finding the right words for things :/

  • Also comments don’t seem to get hidden due to downvotes thankfully. That was always a stupid system.

    i hate this so much about reddit. a lot of users abuse this system so much to hide your comments so nobody sees them anymore… they just vanish because usually users don’t click unhide.

    even if you are nice in the comment and are in the right… if someone dislikes your comment they can pull out their twink accounts and downvote it. and if a comment is at around -3 to -4 or similiar, most users just click downvote without actually reading it… because “others have downvoted that comment so it has to be right. downvote click

    its just so toxic on reddit…

  • agreed, but i’m already moderating a community with 1,3k members elsewhere and have to do a lot of work daily there (posting content for the members who wait for it daily). also i currently start to build one up on lemmy.world that also takes time from my day. i don’t really have time in my daily activity to additonally do stuff which involve moderation or managing of such things like a server instance.

    don’t understand me wrong, i agree with what you say and its logical and smart to do it. but its always depending on the situation of each user. in my situation, its the best thing to go to a big instance.

  • Have to be honest with you, that is how all yhe instances started including lemmy.world.

    but now they have enough reputation & users to make them feel like the safest option

    There is no metric by which to know this yet as lemmy is new. Its not like there are 5 servers that are 10 years old and al the rest are just starting up. Just how it is.

    compared with random instances with 2-3 users or so, a instance who is there since the beginning / relative long compared to other is safer feeling tho.

    i’m so worried about this topic, that i even think about maybe setting up my own instance just to keep my accounts etc safe & from vanishing.

  • i understand that, but think about it - its a random instance from a random stranger on the internet. you don’t know that person, and don’t know if he is actually serious interested in that project of running that instance… or if he will shut it down maybe a few day, weeks or months in the future.

    and you can’t really backup your account and load it somewhere else, so if this happens everything you saved and do is GONE. thats a huge risk if you value your account and contribution to communitys.

    so it doesn’t really matters to me if smaller instances are not expensive etc… thats not what fears people (there are still ways to spread users along more instances but more even). its the suddenly vanishing without warning that scares people.

    i had this often enough with similiar other projects where i created a account on such a small community / instance, was really active… and suddenly it was just gone from one second to the next without warning. everything gone. admin didn’t told anyone about it… was just gone into thin air.

    so it feels safer to go to instances who are more “trustworthy” in the longterm security of a stable operation.

    if lemmy would support export of accounts maybe ever month once or something… that would change things. also allow spoofing of stuff, but it would help with vanishing instances and people would feel safer on smaller more unknown instances.

  • the problem is most users fear that if they choose a small instance, that it goes down random more likely and their account and everything else is gone. if you choose a bigger instance it feels less likely that the admin of the instance just says fuck it and kills the server random for whatever reason.

    as long accounts can’t be easy transfered and are maybe even safe somehow without their instance, people will choose the instance that feels the most secure to them. and when i looked at the available instances… most looked not really long term secure. most did look like they are random ideas of people and they could vanish any second into the void. so i as an example did choose lemmy.world. seemed the most safe option with the best features (nsfw allowed, a lot of users and a big instance)