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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2020

  • I don’t think its that complex. Group A gave permission for Group C to move into Group B’s place. Group C decided to get a bunch of Group N’s support to start the liquidation of Group B.

    Decades of Group B, playing to the “Rules Based Order” crowd resulting in no end to the violence Group C was doing to Group B resulted in Group B being more and more okay with countering violence with armed resistance.

    Here we are.

  • There’s no easy way to make this into an actual business proposal… probably to the point that it isn’t possible at all.

    The tactic I could think of, if I were to NEED to do this… would be to try to find some way to argue on the grounds of some of the Ethical Altrusim stuff (I’m not a proponent of this stuff but… devil’s advocate time).

    You’d get a bunch of rich EA’s to invest a shit ton of money on the regular, you take this money to pay the licensing fees or fees for use on other copyrighted research and technical manuals and then charge as close to zero as you can get away with for the individual users accessing the licensed/copyrighted work. The argument being, “more people having access to quality research and technical documentation will be a net positive for humanity and the return on investment will be measured in thousands of years in the future.”

  • I fell away from watching Star Trek many MANY years ago, and am overwhelmed by all the Star Treks to the point that after watching the series with Scott Baccula I checked out.

    The Orville, having way less … history… was much easier for me to get in to. Also, I was expecting it to be hot garbage and wound up really REALLY liking it.

    Everybody deserves a papa Bortus. meow-knife-trans