I personally like lxc’s over vms for my home lab and i run a dedicated lxc for docker and one running a single node k8s.
I personally like lxc’s over vms for my home lab and i run a dedicated lxc for docker and one running a single node k8s.
I recommend Ollama, its easy to setup and the cli can download and run llms. With some more techsavviness you can get openwebui as a nice ui.
So i see this alot and i understand it but at least in my country (canada) i have been torrenting for well over 15 years with out a vpn. The worst case is a 5k fine total but not before a letter from the isp forwarded to me on behalf of the copyright holder. Which i can ignore with out any issue since they have no idea who i am.
Issues will arise if you reply to them.
So is vpn required?
it depends on where you live and your confort with your risk.
Which had/has a built-in backdoor for years.
Oh, i thought a single sas port could only do 8 sata drives. Interesting
I have been looking to do this as well, I’m just not 100% sure how it all connects together. Do you have the disk shelf connect to a server with lots of sas cards?
I would love for them to give a description of communism and how that applies to this in there context.
Only thing required is this to be made explicitly illegal.
And they always have
This needs to be a bot, this is great context around the media outlets.
Lol, ya to many people are stuck on this being black and white and thus you have to take a side. When in reality it’s just a mess, a mess of history , a mess of religion, a mess of unfounded hatred. The only side people should be takeing is the civilians who are stuck in the middle.
The more I learn about the history, because am/was whole heartily ignorant of it. The more I have a hard time seeing a solution to this.
I have my opinion on what I think should happen but its not realistic or practical.
No one is a Hamas lover Mr black and white
About 3 of them
I unfortunately agree with you, I have come to view conservatives as cancer, and I don’t mean it as a pure insult. I mean it a literally as you can apply it to them. Like cancer cells they become selfish and refuse to help the greater oganism among other analogies you could apply
Sadly I can’t shake these thoughts, time and time again they show me I’m right in my thinking, granted this is a generation.
I have even gotten so fed up with my conservative friends that I actively avoid them. Sad I know
Exactly that, I have a few lxd containers on my proxmox host along with traditional vms, also have docker running inside a lxd vs a vm
This is the first time hearing about Tuta, Thank you