Which is more of a protest than just quitting, and more of a drain to the powers that be demanding this stuff go away.
Which is more of a protest than just quitting, and more of a drain to the powers that be demanding this stuff go away.
The least you could do is fly through a window so powerful politicians can get some martial law up in here! Gotta respond to big protests somehow.
But they’re always right, just look at Google glass, Google plus, and Stadia… Or google buzz, google health, and igoogle.
Yep, Google never gets it wrong.
They haven’t worked since all becoming for profit, rather than for… dating. Turns out setting people up should really be charity work, not for profit.
Yeah, pretty sure Sam Altman is an investor in Praxis which is another one of those projects to make a billion run fifedom.
Quickly, ask AI how to improve or practice critical thinking skills!
Isn’t the 50 state protest in just a few days? On the 17th.
Dang, Norway and Sweden are doing great things.
I’m not the President, and I need to go away.
I feel like emma is going to have an awesome life.
👍😎🤙 💚🍃🌿🔥💨☁️
What was the one with premium subscription for heated seats? I think it was Mercedes.
…and I think Audi dabbled in this area but backed down.
Ao that’s Mercedes, Audi, and Jeep I’ll never buy from, and obviously Tesla too.
EDIT Oh dear, it’s so much worsethan I knew:
TOYOTA how could you???
Interesting that he’s making this offer now, isn’t it. Almost like he’s recently got access to a large sum of money.
See how you’re pretending to have made some important point when it would only be important point if you were an absolutely pathetic and superficial loser?
What’s worse is that you were so incredibly tactless and blatant about it.
You may as well have just said “I’m a loser with no self-esteem, this is my only way to feel good, can you help me?”… Only that would have at least shown a modicum of self-awareness and empathy.
But you clearly went for your usual grinning idiot who thinks they’re about to feel superior to a someone route.
I’m just pointing out what you were doing there “just to be clear”… And I’m not about to have empathy for someone who was trying to be an asshole on purpose and thought they could dogpile on.
You have zero social capabilities, and need to fix yourself. Find some other way to feel good about yourself. Seriously.
So don’t try that shit with me. Swallow your anger and go get over being called out for it.
Haha, what a loser, imagine getting off on feeling superior to people online. What a petty soul.
“Just to be clear” …and a bad liar to boot.
They know they can’t do anything, but everyone was yelling “Do something!”.
Just waiting for them to start demanding “Reparations for the white man!”…
Then Elon can finally rest assured knowing he’s made the US feel like South Africa.
Oh, okay, it’s about political news apparently.
Well, there are plenty of countries that are Island nations that aren’t even on the continent of asia and yet still count as Asian. Not to mention that it’s understood Indians and Pakistanis originate in the caucuses. So it’s all rather haphazard and irrelevant.
I don’t know why you brought it up as if it was shocking.
Frankly it sounds like a hang over from orientalism (trying to hold onto regions defined in the Victorian era of Colonialism), so how about this: I call them Indians because they’re from a nation state which in English is called India.
Maybe get over it and stop trying to “correct” people if you accept that different cultures have different linguistic conventions.
… different places have different push and pull factors in terms of migration anyways, and that was the topic. Some populations are pulled by being attached to the same landmass, others are pushed by factors like war. People from a war zone might just want peace rather than a specific destination country.
But you know where wasn’t on the list the Wikipedia link provides? Europe, like I said, they’re not even on the top ten list for countries of origin… Yet it’s the focus of the character in the comic.
No, as far as I can tell - it makes sense when addressing migration to go by source countries. So there’s a valid argument (despite what the comic suggests), to have some level of focus on migration from Mexico.
Not liking the fact there’s a valid argument isn’t the same as their not being a valid argument.
P.S India and China are two high population countries, so you’re going to have to accept they get mentioned separately in conversations about migration. Declaring them both to be “Asia” doesn’t really make sense for this context, the high populations present as different push factors in both countries.
Memento mori.