I get this is hyperbolae. But this hyperbolae is advocating for mass murder.
You do understand that you’re one of the badies right?
“Slaves do not dream of freedom. When their eyes sadden at the gleam of gold, they are not pining to be free. They want slaves of their own.”
“‘Xoros is the greatest bullfighter in the world,’ may be an obvious lie, but you are still tricked to believe Xoros fights bulls, or that he even exists at all.”
I get this is hyperbolae. But this hyperbolae is advocating for mass murder.
You do understand that you’re one of the badies right?
Right, but telling Republicans that their representative wants to make America great again while thinking it’s an insult. That’s dialing the stupid up to 1000.
Isn’t the Gaza hospital at the very least confirmed to have been a relatively minor explosion in the parking lot?
Why? Why should this person have said something about both sides?
Because failing to acknowledge the major differing and valid viewpoints in a complex situation contributes to echo chambers and radicalization which can ultimately lead to or contribute to political disfunction, civil war, war and deaths.
Because of the several layers of indirections I think it’s completely unreasonable to expect people to live up to the expectation of acknowledging differing valid viewpoints, but people who fail to do so are still engaging in shitbaggery, in my opinion, because they contribute to the deterioration of the political discourse which can have catastrophic consequences.
As I said I generally think that engaging in shitbaggery in political discourse shouldn’t harm your job /career. Unless your job relies heavily on your reputation, which lawfirms seem to weirdly believe is the case for lawyers. I personally don’t get it, a lawyer’s argument should always be just as a valid regardless of which lawyer makes the argument, but I know very little about law practice.
Why take sides at all.
Because they’ve wandered into an echo chamber and are now hyper aware of all the real bad things on side did plus a few false bad things. While all of the bad things the other side did have been downplayed or justified.
I sadly don’t know enough on the topic to say more on this. And the amount of research needed to get even an idea of “who is worse” is massive due to all the misinformation (or misleading information) on the topic everywhere.
I do know that neither side is taking a sensible approach to the problem because right wing nutbags are in charge of both sides.
I was going to say that there’s a difference between opposing Israel and supporting a massacre. But if what the article say is true, the guy never outright supported Hamas’ actions. It looks like the worst you can accuse him of is to sweep it under the rug by not mentioning it.
In the current climate and context, it is an absolute shitbag move on his part for doing that. If you’re going to condemn one side doing atrocities, you have to condemn the other as well in order to not be a shitbag in my book.
I would generally think that this should still not be sufficient cause to fire an employee in general (or rescind an offer), unless your reputation and political alignement is inherent to your job function.
I don’t know enough about how the law firms work to know for sure if this is the case here. But I’ve seen many stories of law firms letting go of low level lawyers due to them failing to maintain a certain level or reputation. Either way it’s not specific to Israel.
First of all, I’m not talking about what is. I’m talking about what should be.
But the way the law treats speech in the United States, I think is correct.
If you’re trying to immorally cause direct harm with your speech (e.g. calling Fire in a crowded theater, or organizing an insurrection) then that should be illegal.
If you’re only talking about the idea related to these, like how you think it should be legal to punch Nazis. Then that should be allowed by allow. But the people around you should call you out for being full of hate and spreading hate and that you’re really not being the good person you think you are when you’re doing this and you should stop.
This is just completely wrong. If you read past the misleading headline here:
You’ll see that Facebook cannot, in fact, give logs to law enforcement. If you choose to report a message you’ve received and send it to Facebook, then obviously then they can read it.
Also, your claim in another comment that Facebook does not have private keys to decrypt your encrypted messages is just fantasy.
That’s only because you listen to OP’s nonsense. Meanwhile the trump supporters are in their own echo chambers and thing you’re either a pedo or a pedo defender so you deserve to get punched too.
The right, especially Trump supporters are dangerous, not because of their “weird sexuality” or misogyny. But because they’re trying to dismantle democracy. Free speech is an essential component of democracy and they’ll go after it the second they get an ounce of power.
You talk about not wanting to allow hate speech, yet the speech you just read is making you want to punch people. That’s what hate speech looks like.
I’m confused as to which shit you’re referring to. OP’s rant or Trump’s speeches? Either way, if you let someone start controlling which speech is allowed and which is not based on the ideas it contains at a society-wide level, you’ll have created a tyrant. It’s not a good plan.
Honestly, 2024 seems more like an attempt to return to sanity while the elites are trying to learn how to use their new toys. 2026 midterms will be the beta test and 2028 is going to be the real shit show.
So, it’s his usual strategy then. Make all sorts of conflicting statements with conflicting messages so that each supporter can believe that he’s genuinely speaking for their interests but that trump is simply lying to all the other supporters that have conflicting interests.
That’s a point about being unable to strike a balance between two groups who do not see eye to eye.
Yes, it’s a fundamental problem of life. Some people suggest compromise. Some people suggest a different kind of solution. A “final” solution so to speak.
Now you read this quote again and you tell me: Which of these solution does he suggest is best?
If I learned anything from playing Civilzation, even when you win a neighoring city over to your side with culture or trade alone, they’re always going to be a problem. It’s better to just raze the whole damn thing to the ground and start over in the same spot.
If I learned anything from playing Civilzation, even when you win a neighoring city over to your side with culture or trade alone, they’re always going to be a problem. It’s better to just raze the whole damn thing to the ground and start over in the same spot.
That’s genocide.
TLDR: If you find yourself defending the person hyperbolically calling for genocide against the person condemning it. It might be time to ask yourself “Are we the baddies?”
I can’t bring myself to give an actual example. But imagine this scenario, I’m hanging out with a couple of work colleagues. Let’s call them fixtionalJake and BroBroBro. Now were just chatting something comes up about all the vandalism that black people did during the BLM protest and fixtionalJake makes an obviously hyperbolic comment proposing that all black people should get murdered or that their ancestors should have. But the comment is a little bit indirect, and clearly absurdly impossible to implement. BroBroBro is laughing along.
I’m standing there thinking, that is some seriously messed up racist stuff right there. For sure fixtionalJake is a least a little bit racist, but maybe he didn’t quite understand how it came across.
So I say dude that was f’ed up that the most racist thing I ever heard, what the hell is wrong with you? His response is: “I’m not gonna get caught by this dumb rhetoric, if someone commits a crime, you put them in jail don’t you?”
Everyone in the company up to the vice precident smile, and agrees. BroBroBro, knows which the tide is turning and he wants to fit in, so he adds: “Yeah dufus, that thing he said is obviously impossible to do, what are you, ‘stupid’?”
I suspect that if you were in my place you would just conclude that both those guys and pretty much the entire company are at the very list raging racist assholes.
But not me, I have faith in humanity. Yes, every single thing they’ve done is consistent with raging racist assholes. It’s even consistent with the behavior of people who are genuinely hoping to find a way to genocide every black person.
But BroBroBRo’s behavior is also consistent with that of someone who’s just a little bit clueless and just a little bit too desperate to fit in. It’s probably consistent with many other kinds of behavior.
fixtionalJake is 99% chance a raging racist asshole, but maybe not really a genocidal one though. I mean he could, but it’s also possible that he’s not.
Either way, I’m quitting my job, working triple time for the competition at half pay. Just in case. just to make sure they don’t get the to snowball the funds to actually do it.
And that’s how I justify my behavior of posting all over this thread. Just in case. I want everyone to understand that indiscriminately killing all far right wingers is an abhorrent and evil thing to do. And I don’t want this to be a place where you can dog-whistle-advocate for such killings without getting called out on it.
Replying to your edit:
edit: I also won’t fall victim to the paradox of tolerance. Punching Nazis is a net good. Superman does it, after all.
You’re literally “jokingly” advocating for GENOCIDE!! What is wrong with you? Can’t you tell the difference between punching someone in the face, and murdering an entire population over a political disagreement?
And instead of at the very least qualifying your statement saying “It’s a joke, obviously I don’t mean this should be taken literally and I’m just venting without really noticing the full ramifications of what I’m saying”. Or something to that effect. You just double down on defending your statement.
At least when the Moms of Liberty were accused of supporting the Hitler quote, the modified their news letter to be double extra clear that they were condemning the Hitler quote. You can’t even do that much…
Wtf is this unhinged gaslighting that wouldn’t even trick a two year old? You literally said: