I quit after I got that…
TTRPG fan and programmer.
I quit after I got that…
I’ve never felt so identified by a meme.
I Imagine the merge conflict hell that these programmers have to go through…
Thank you for the advice. Unfortunately I couldn’t upload a .gif version; the website throws the following error: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
. I image that this could be the result of a file being too big (the .gif version is 5.27MB). So at the end I decided to upload the .mp4 version (799 KB).
Stage 4.5: console.log() everything.
Applying the (DRY) Do Repeat Yourself principle.
Even if you DO escape, there is no guarantee that you’d leave with your sanity intact.
You would think that being named Null would probably cause a problem. But Jeffrey? lol
I’m starting to learn full-stack development. This meme scares me, ngl.
Yes. Spiders are the superior web developers. They’re especially good at eliminating bugs.