And yet here you are trying your hardest
And yet here you are trying your hardest
I’m one of the unnamed crew of starbase 80, for sure.
They’re Star Treks room of requirement (fuck JK btw), they are whatever size you need them to be
The inconsistent size of Jeffrie’s tubes is one of the things I love about the franchise. Sometimes crawl through them, sometimes run. Who fucking knows!
It’s the 24th century. No-one cured baldness because they’re past caring about such nonsense
The episode could’ve been called Shades of Cave(s)
Same. Great episode. I love the interplay between these two
I’m sorry but it’s an awful, ugly, science runabout… that’s its. I may be biased because I hate the design…
deleted by creator
deleted by creator
deleted by creator
The ‘smart, sexy, emotionally intelligent expert’ to ‘maniacal space pirate’ heel turn was glorious!
She starts off pretty acerbic with a clear bias toward Data, but they were definitely going for a character arc with her and she started having some character growth as the season went on. She later encourages and supports Data when he’s having a mini crisis about losing at stratagema, and she takes an innoculant so she can drink the poisonous tea Worf offers her. Then they brought back Bev and we never got to see it really pay off. Then for ages Crusher is barely anything more than set dressing and a ‘will they won’t they’ relationship for Picard. I always thought Pulaski was a more interesting character than Crusher and the show would have been better for keeping her.
This has blown my mind. Dark Place referenced in Trek!? I know it’s gained some cult following but it still feels like an largely unknown and underappreciated time-capsule of comedy. I genuinely didn’t realise anyone ‘across the pond’ had come across it.
True. Unfortunately, holding people in the transport buffer is one of those things you have to entirely forget exists if you want to tell certain stories. The transporter in general could trivialise a lot of story beats.
Code of Honor would like a word
Some apple juices contain an ingredient called isinglass which is made from dried fish bladders. And some apples may be waxed with beeswax (from bees) or shellac (from bugs) before being juiced.
It’s like reading dystopian sci-fi
Quite a lot of horny though… 😳
Dunno, Dr. Evil actually seemed to like Mini-Me