Now, now, Trump does have Musk. I’ve been told he’s the real life Tony Stark.
Can’t wait to see his solution to hydrate crops.
Former pro wrestler and porn star, looking for the smartest person in the world to solve dehydration in plants.
Now, now, Trump does have Musk. I’ve been told he’s the real life Tony Stark.
Can’t wait to see his solution to hydrate crops.
There’s actually a word for it:
There’s a word for it: Kakistocracy
It would be a real shame if the line got flooded with credible, false leads…
Putting the number here just to make sure nobody calls it by accident.
Everybody remembers Ripley, but Aliens was a solid gender equality movie… filmed way back in 1986. Remember Vasquez and Ferro? Totally believable, flawed and likeable badasses. I find today’s characters to be way too perfect to be believable. Wonder Woman is a good example. I find her annoying.
Me : shakes 6 mils in front of Lemmy
Something about stones and glass houses might apply here… Or is it kettles and pots?
Two wrongs make the right!
Thanks for the links. Interesting reads.
Tldr, oxfam:
Around 50% of these emissions meanwhile can be attributed to the richest 10% of people around the world, who have average carbon footprints 11 times as high as the poorest half of the population.
Hard to swallow pill: The way of life of the rich countries, including the one of their poor citizens, is the problem. We, the westerners, are the problem, not the billions of China and India.
But yay electric cars and recycling… Insert “I’m doing my part” meme.
Interesting article, thanks.
I am, however, having a very hard time attributing this level of planning and sophistication to a man who can barely put a coherent sentence together, or read more than one page of text. I can’t say I find his administration to be all that much better in those regards.
I’m leaning more towards total improvisation. But what do I know? I’m certainly not an economist.