Sia made a christmas album a few years back and it’s actually very good.
Sia made a christmas album a few years back and it’s actually very good.
Ooh I was JUST about to buy a second hand one. Prices might get a little better soon.
Filipino households have been making her stronger every year. Soon she’ll be thawed out before summer ends.
My dad would throw on football then put painters tape over the IR receiver on the TV so my mom wouldn’t come by and change the channel.
My wife got into Fallout 4 again recently and this is definitely her PC lately.
You’re kicked out of the potluck for life if you bring this over.
Soul Hunters.
Invented to track down rich people after they die so they can keep their generational wealth.
Also to fuck with poor people.
The upgrades look pretty good for anyone on a 5 or older. Software features were tempting but my 6 Pro gets one more Android update next year so I can probably build off for another couple of years unless my battery craps out sooner.
Hope 7 years of updates becomes the industry standard.
It was pretty dead when I first joined in the middle of June. Instances and communities have slowly started to fill and comment sections are getting more active.
Experience definitely got better once more third party apps got on board. There is a great selection out there with different tastes to suit a lot of users.
Darkslides are not recommended
My wife and I have like 3 comfort shows that we just rewatch all year round. And this is kind of how it’s like when we meet up with our friends who have watched everything new as it releases.
My wife LOVES her Kailh Box Navy switches but good lord she starts writing an email I need to leave the room lol.
Dirty Dick’s has great merch actually lmao. Got a couple of shirts and mugs for my folks when were in Nag’s Head.
If you can track down liquidation sales they are a pretty good source for desks, chairs and even shelving. I spent $50 on a beat up butcher block slab and with $20 worth of materials I cleaned it up into a decent looking desk.
TL;DW: The real winner was the treasure in ourselves we found along the way.
Man this is cursed. It makes his head look bigger than it already is.
Me: Aw you poor dog come here.
Me: You look hungry lets get you fed.
Badger: Oh shit forreal?