1 month agoHonestly voice messages make me unreasonably angry. It’s all of the inconvenience of a phone call with none of the immediacy, like voicemail but for every sentence. Thank you for sharing my hatred, I feel less alone
Honestly voice messages make me unreasonably angry. It’s all of the inconvenience of a phone call with none of the immediacy, like voicemail but for every sentence. Thank you for sharing my hatred, I feel less alone
Whenever I feel like this I think back to how many of those “simple” bugs I’ve had to fix in my own code and how many years it took off my life expectancy and feel a little connection with the poor developer who is probably currently losing their hair over this too
Otherwise there’s Norway they’ll be done in time
Wait a sec my grandmother is calling me about some pictures I apparently sent her
14 hours later - how did it go?
The panicked whirlwind shower when you slept through your alarm and are now super late
Kids today just don’t know real code