Ranch salad dressing
Ranch salad dressing
What Taylor wants, Taylor gets.
Max Headroom becomes reality.
No project is complete without at least two trips to the hardware store.
You keep using that word.
I do not think it means what you think it means.
I like my girls like my cheese.
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The moon landing was faked.
NASA got Kubrick to direct, and being a perfectionist, he insisted they shoot on location.
Hakuna Mavodka - It means no memories.
If you’re going through hell, keep on moving.
Hakuna Ma-vodka
It means no memories
Oktoberfest beers are the best beers.
Bring on the fluggegecheimen!
The courts have ruled many times that the police have no duty to protect.
The joke’s on them. I sold my soul years ago.
Life finds a way