• 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2024


  • From the DSA instagram 6 days ago:

    Why didn’t the “economic blackout” change anything?

    Stocks rose Friday instead of falling, and there was no sign that the “economic boycott” that spread across social media had any impact whatsoever, other than maybe being a promotional tool for smaller businesses.

    Why didn’t it work and what would work instead?

    We don’t have power as “consumers”.

    Working people are always going to need to buy things. And even if a large portion of workers stopped buying everyday goods from Target or Starbucks, we’d still need to pay rent, pay the mortgage, pay utilities, and ultimately depend on a larger supply chain. You can’t “opt-out” of capitalism.

    Boycotts that work are focused on a clear target and have with a specific demand, and are built on long-term, deep organizing. But even then, as a tactic, a boycott isn’t going to be what brings the economy to a halt to stop the Trump agenda.

    We have power as workers.

    In January 2019, a 35 day shutdown of the federal government came to an end after the flight attendants union announced their intention to strike. Such a strike would have grounded a large percentage of air travel, which even if just for a short period of time would have had a devastating impact on the US economy.

    If we want to hit the ruling class where it hurts we need to organize as workers, not as consumers. Our power is in collectively withholding our labor, not withholding our dollars (which we only have in the first place by selling our labor).

    Strikes are organized, not mobilized.

    Strikes don’t happen because someone made an Instagram post calling for it and then everyone thought it was a good idea.

    Strikes are the result of long-term organizing that builds tightly structured organization through a series of escalating actions that show the level of support for the union, which if successful leave workers confident and the boss afraid.

    A strike can’t work if only a minority of workers walk out either. Strikes require a supermajority of workers to be effective.

    So what can you do?

    Join an organization like DSA that is working to build the kind working class power necessary not just to beat back Trump’s attacks but to win a better world.

    Join the labor movement. Organize at work, in your union if you have one, and get trained on the secrets of successful organizing through organizations like Labor Notes. Looking for a new job? Consider taking a job in a “strategic sector” like healthcare, education, or logistics.

    Stop scrolling and start talking to your coworkers, your neighbors, friends, and family. The revolution will not be posted. Revolutions are made through organizing.

  • This is what Biden solidified by refusing to prosecute Trump, refusing to stack courts, and refusing to espouse policy that would’ve won the election. Biden had a choice between beating Trump and continuing genocide, and he chose to genocide.

    The leftists’ claim through this whole debacle has been that the democrats are controlled opposition, and the complete lack of resistance from democrats after Trump’s victory should make it abundantly clear to you that they were correct.

  • Ferrous@lemmy.mltoComic Strips@lemmy.world"Joe Biden's fault"
    9 days ago

    Strawman. Leftists don’t claim Biden single-handedly ushered in fascism. Leftists underline how little Biden did to ensure a winning campaign, as well as how little he did to defend against Trump.

    Biden enabled Trump by not stacking courts, not prosecuting trump hard enough, or choosing policy positions based on what would beat trump.

  • The reasons for which the US was able to turn fascist are all homegrown. We don’t need to resort to blaming foreigners for the rise of fascism - which is the only logical conclusion to a country that was founded on genocide and colonialism under the sole guidance of white slavers. This is peak American exceptionalism.

    Social safety nets, wages, childcare, healthcare, mental health, working hours, etc… have all been crumbling for some time now. The fact that our adversaries picked up on this and exploited it by no means absolves Americans of their turn towards fascism.

    If, at the end of these 4 years when democracy has been truly and completely demolished, the only lesson you’ve learned is “damn russian spies destroyed america!” You haven’t learned your lesson, and you’re honestly spitting in the face of all the victims of US policy both domestic and abroad.

  • The reasons for which the US was able to turn fascist are all homegrown. We don’t need to resort to blaming foreigners for the rise of fascism - which is the only logical conclusion to a country that was founded on genocide and colonialism under the sole guidance of white slavers. This is peak American exceptionalism.

    Social safety nets, wages, childcare, healthcare, mental health, working hours, etc… have all been crumbling for some time now. The fact that our adversaries picked up on this and exploited it by no means absolves Americans of their turn towards fascism.

    If, at the end of these 4 years when democracy has been truly and completely demolished, the only lesson you’ve learned is “damn russian spies destroyed america!” You haven’t learned your lesson, and you’re honestly spitting in the face of all the victims of US policy both domestic and abroad.

  • This is based on the faulty liberal assumption that fascists are only fascists because they have yet to be shown all of the facts and logic.

    Let’s just speed run the scenario where you post this article on a right space: you post the article, every trumper comes out and says the resignations were good because the staffers were woke, and then you scratch your head wondering why your appeal to facts and logic didn’t work on fascists. At this point you might just start spamming right spaces and have all your posts go directly to spam.

    It’s honestly kind of disturbing how you write off actual protests in favor of online activism, and I couldn’t think of a more liberal take tbh. Anyone, at this stage of the game, who is taking the position of “less protests, more…” should be evaluated extremely critically - especially if your alternative is spamming r/conservative with liberal thinkpieces.

  • Are we looking at the same article? This piece is literally a fact check.

    This idea of fact checks being the antidote to trumpian fascism is straight from 2015. No amount of fact checking or “facts and logic” will slow fascism, and the roaring success of Trump’s campaign despite countless debate moderator fact checks, community notes, and politifacts should make that very clear.

    You need to abandon this liberal idea that Americans turn fascist only because they have yet to be shown the “data” or “facts”. Liberalism is the idea that sitting a fascist down and showing them facts, logics, charts, statistics, and expert testimony will somehow magically convert them into a leftist.

    The leftists framework is that fascism is the result of worsening material conditions and withering away of social safety nets, and the only way to fight fascism is to change material conditions or kill fascists. This is in direct contrast with liberalism - which posits that the ever-evolving, self-correcting marketplace of ideas is the end-all extinguisher of fascism. Look where that got us…

  • Ferrous@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlLiberals
    27 days ago

    So an intern can spend all day clearing out a voicemail inbox? Unfortunately I think we are past peaceful phone canvassing. Nothing will meaningfully change until the owner class have fear in their heart.